Re: Theme : Choices : Good, but ...

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Re: Theme : Choices : Good, but ...

Eeewww ugly Java GUI you got there

First of all get Pharo 4 and select Dark theme, its really great. 

Second, now that I am close to finishing Ephestos 0.1 release I am preparing for working on 0.2 . In that release I will introduce Morpheas which will be a theme manager but somewhate diffirent to what we currently have. My goal is customised GUIs similar to the ones we see in Websites and Mobile phones, mainly flat design with some cool graphics. I would like to build simple API based on bitmap graphics and Athens for vector graphics that scale up and down.

I would also like to approach another theme we see in web pages/ web apps the single page / window GUI. So that means I will have to customise the display of every pharo tool included starting from the core ones system browser and workspace and slowly working with other tools if alls goes well. Of course such a project will need years in development but I am willing to start very small , customising simple windows , probably workspace first since its the most basic one and work from there. 

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 8:55 PM, Mayuresh Kathe <[hidden email]> wrote:
It's been close to 6 hours that I've been playing with the defaults offered with Pharo 3.

Everything works so much more smoothly than Squeak! It also feels great.
What's kind of problematic (as I see it) is the "look".

There are 3 themes that I got with the default image;
Pharo 3, Vistary and Watery.

Look good, but somehow give off the feel of having more style than substance.

I remember using something called Java Swing long back.
It too had a plethora of themes, but the one that was the most detailed, and well designed (as in how well it worked), was something called "Java Steel".

Please see the images at;

If there could be some way to have that look and feel, while adhering to the Java LaF Guidelines for the same, we might have a Pharo system which would be not only neater looking, but also lighter weight (by virtue of fewer extravagant graphical properties).

Hope this suggestion isn't preposterous. :)


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Re: Theme : Choices : Good, but ...

Try the DawnTheme.

I've got my own little tweaks of it here: 

Looks like Sublime. It is based on the Dark Theme. 


On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 7:55 PM, Mayuresh Kathe <[hidden email]> wrote:
It's been close to 6 hours that I've been playing with the defaults offered with Pharo 3.

Everything works so much more smoothly than Squeak! It also feels great.
What's kind of problematic (as I see it) is the "look".

There are 3 themes that I got with the default image;
Pharo 3, Vistary and Watery.

Look good, but somehow give off the feel of having more style than substance.

I remember using something called Java Swing long back.
It too had a plethora of themes, but the one that was the most detailed, and well designed (as in how well it worked), was something called "Java Steel".

Please see the images at;

If there could be some way to have that look and feel, while adhering to the Java LaF Guidelines for the same, we might have a Pharo system which would be not only neater looking, but also lighter weight (by virtue of fewer extravagant graphical properties).

Hope this suggestion isn't preposterous. :)
