I tried to reproduce this bug, I have also an error with the same configuration. I don't have his problem, however when I quit Pharo, the connection shutdown makes Pharo crashes, but when I only do the connection shutdown, it works.
I downloaded the dll
here : https://ci.inria.fr/dbxtalk/view/OpenDBX/job/CLibrary-OpenDBX-1.4.6-Mysql/Platform=dbxtalk-windows-32bit/
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2015 11:56:00 -0700
[hidden email]To:
[hidden email]Subject: VM Crash
My VM crashes every time I open it. I ran the scripts below before crash occurs.
| settings platform connection |
settings := DBXConnectionSettings
host: 'localhost'
port: '3306'
database: 'mysql'
userName: 'root'
userPassword: ''.
platform := DBXMySQLBackend new.
connection := DBXConnection platform: platform settings: settings.
connection connect.
connection open.
I'm using:
- Windows 8.1
- OpenDBX dll files.
- mysql-connector-c-6.1.5-win32
- mysql 5.6.21
- Pharo 3.0
- OpenDBX driver stable package.
I also attached the error pop-up and crash dump, please check.
I'm looking forward for your advices.
Best regards,
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