Thanks. I've created AR 52129 for this.
At 03:28 PM 3/1/2007, Stewart MacLean wrote:
Whilst sorting out my overrides from my extensions Ive discovered that
once an override has been declared in a Parcel, restoring it removes the
override from the Override stack, but doesnt remove the Class/selector
from the overridden Parcel. The method appears as normal (no red
highlight), but exists in two parcels.
A quick fix is:
"Add notification of current sources, so that override gets removed
from overriding Parcel.
(Otherwise shows as normal method, but remains included in overriding
01/03/07 SIM."
override reinstall.
override notifyCurrentSourcesOverrideBeingReinstalledFor: override.
Override removeOverride: override
Another issue is that now the runtime packager is Package based, I also
override the method in the Parcels corresponding Package.
Then if I go to restore the overridden, I see there are two overrides. I
guess that Im running into anomalies as a result of the
Parcel/Package/Store integration.
Maybe its time to migrate to Store?
Alan Knight [|], Cincom Smalltalk Development
"The Static Typing Philosophy: Make it fast. Make it right.
Make it run." - Niall Ross