Re: VisualWorks and support for native multi-threading

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Re: VisualWorks and support for native multi-threading

Hi Andres,

Andres Valloud wrote:


> In fact, yesterday I ran an experiment which was quite funny.  I have
> this demo that takes a lot of cpu / graphics to run.  If I run it on a
> dual core machine when idle, it performs badly.  So I start VW, assign
> it to run on say core 0, and kick off this:
> [true] whileTrue: [nil]
> Now core 0 is super busy.  If I run the demo under these conditions,
> it gets scheduled to run mostly on core 1 --- and thus it runs much
> better even though the CPU is under 2x the overall load!*
Was the demo an ST application or something else? If something else I
think it fits well in the scenario others were relating to. It would
also make sense in the context of Paul's results if there was something
about VW's VM which would make it behave differently under the given
conditions, e.g. very little built-in parallelism would explain it to me.
> Even so... maybe I am wrong, but at first sight it seems to me that a
> multi threaded VM may run into the similar issues due to hardware
> design limitations that cause very expensive cache thrashing when two
> cores look at roughly the same thing.  
Yes, I'm happy to accept that. For the time being at least - will watch
the hardware development space closely :-).
> Unless of course the memory
> spaces the Smalltalk processes are running on are separated, and then
> you have essentially two images running on the same VM, then why not
> just two simpler / more efficient VMs?
I think a very efficient marshaling protocol would do the trick for me.
I just assumed that it must be easier at the VM level than at the
application level where you have to mess with likes of BOSS etc. The
thing can be quite slow at times...
>   Besides, if one decides to
> crash for whatever reason (e.g. an image runs out of memory, or some
> flaky C library finally overwrites some memory it shouldn't have), you
> only lose one image instead of a whole blade, etc...
I would not be concerned with application resiliency at such a low
level. This kind of problems make much more sense at a higher level
where you can use application specific semantics to your advantage.

Regards, Jaroslaw.

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Re: VisualWorks and support for native multi-threading

Hi Runar,

Sorry for the late answer...

Runar Jordahl wrote:

> As pointed out by others, making the VisualWorks Virtual Machine
> multithreaded is a large, complex project. In addition, making your
> own application work with shared memory parallel processing, is very
> hard. Probably a lot harder than one can imagine. The problem is that
> thread execution order is highly non-deterministic. What might work on
> one box, can fail as new hardware optimises the execution of the
> threads. What runs ok when running a test case the first time, fails
> the next time it is run, and so on. How threads are scheduled can
> decide whether a problem appears or not. It is not that fixing these
> problems cannot be done. It is just hard to mentally see the problems
> before they surface. And once they do appear, reproducing them can be
> next to impossible. Read this blog post for more details on these
> issues:
> <>
I have read the blog and the paper you make a reference to.
Unfortunately I did not find them convincing. As much as I agree with
the general reasoning that threads will lead to indeterministic programs
I do not think it applies to the multi-threaded processing as the field.
I think Mr Lee should incorporate a non-preemptiveness of some
operations in the translation function for a multi-threaded program
instead of just talking about programmers relaying on "means of purging
indeterminism" in their software.
Unfortunately all the math necessary to have a proper discussion has
evaporated from my brain over the years so I will leave the functional
transformations in peace. The material did contain some interesting
references though.

> A multiple-image-solution using a divide and conquer algorithm, can
> easily be designed to run deterministically. Given the same input
> data, the execution will either fail or pass, regardless of how the
> subtasks are scheduled. Testing, debugging, and understanding such an
> image-based solution will be a lot easier than a (native) thread
> implementation.
That is a strong statement and one I cannot agree with. It has come to
me as a bit of surprise that one would describe green thread application
as deterministic, I mean an application that does not use means of
synchronization like semaphores. One classic example is the standard
implementation of ST Transcript - it hasn't been thread safe for really
long. From my experience there is very little difference, minus the
given problems with implementing multi-threaded VM support, between
green threads and OS-level threads. An image does not leave in isolation
- it is being constantly interrupted by OS events or your application
interacting with other components in the environment like file system,
which can alter execution of the program. Maybe if we wanted to talk
about some very academic simpleton the statement would have some merits
but in my day-to-day experience it is not so.

> Having said that, I know there are scenarios where multithreading
> makes sense. We develop a system using Monte Carlo simulations, and
> each simulation is fairly easy to make totally independent. If there
> were resources, having the option to run on multiple cores would be
> nice. But for most problems, it is the wrong thing to do.
> The disadvantage of multiple images, as you pointed out, is that
> marshalling data is expensive. But I think that for most problems this
> will not be a showstopper. If you are able to divide the problem, the
> amount of data to be marshalled should decrease. Communication
> directly between two images running on the same box (through RPC) can
> be fast.
I was not suggesting that it was impossible. I was saying that it was
not sufficiently supported by our existing tools and that the
maintenance overhead was high.

> My take on this is that we can live without shared memory threads, and
> it would be better to focus on how to use multiple images. We need
> both to control the start-up and termination of the images, and robust
> frameworks for enabling the communication between them. Object
> serialization (like BOSS), persistency toolkits, and communicational
> layers (OpenTalk) are important.
> I have briefly looked at scaling large problems across multiple cores,
> and it is not that hard. More info is found here:
> <>
At JPMorgan we use our distribution mechanisms around the clock and it
does work but it took an effort from a number of people over a number of
years to get it where it is now and we still trip on occasional errors.
I dare to say this is not exactly something I would describe as "not
that hard".
BTW, our mechanism has may common characteristics with Google's
MapReduce engine you and Mr. Lee refer to.

I think where the main disagreement lays is how we perceive the
difficulty of the job and, in consequence, how much support we believe
should be offered by the IDE. The multi-threading vs. multi-image is a
secondary issue really - I was hoping that memory sharing would play big
part but not being an expert in the field of OS multi-threading I'm
happy to accept that it may not justify the cost of other factors.

The main question I wanted to get answer to was where is VW going to be
in the world of parallel processing. Is it going to offer some clever
support or is it going to leave it to the users of the product to come
up with tools they need in their applications. To judge that one needs
to find out what the appetite on the market is and what is the official
view of the vendor and I wanted to thank you all for the input.

I will read on the stuff David Long and Charles Monteiro were referring
to - it did sound interesting - and I will also try to make use of the
information Eliot has provided. I will continue to process it at my
usual snail speed and drop you an occasional, hopefully not too boring,
email if anything interesting pops up.

Regards, Jaroslaw.