Re: [amber-lang] Amber 0.13 released!

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Re: [amber-lang] Amber 0.13 released!

Bernat Romagosa
These are great news. Congratulations to all!

Any further info on how deploying works now? Is Amber now creating a single compiled js file with the whole project?

2014-10-10 14:17 GMT+02:00 Nicolas Petton <[hidden email]>:

After three months of development we are happy to announce the release
of Amber 0.13.1 (skipping 0.13.0 for technical reasons). The team has
once again been busy improving Amber to make it rock more than ever!

With 172 commits, this release brings several important improvements as
well as the usual bug fixes.


* Reworked cleaner DNU handling in core.
* `amber init` fully embraced as the way to create new project.
* Helios IDE is extracted and is now a project on its own.
  * It is included as dev-dependency in any new project by default.
* Movable data out of index.html:
  * list of production packages in deploy.js;
  * list of development packages in devel.js;
  * project amd mappings in local.amd.json;
  * libraries' amd mappings in lib_directory.amd.json.
* 'Batteries included' deployment via `grunt deploy`.
* 0.13.1 because of technical issues w/ 0.13.0 release process.


API changes:

- Smalltalk side:
  * String >> asSelector is now String >> asJavaScriptMethodName
  * String >> asJavaScriptSelector is now String >> asJavaScriptPropertyName
  * Collection >> ifEmpty:ifNotEmpty: family passes self to ifNotEmpty: block

- JavaScript side
  * smalltalk.selector is now smalltalk.st2js
  * smalltalk.convertSelector is now smalltalk.js2st
  * Smalltalk vm is now Smalltalk core
  * boot.js's .vm is now .api
  * amber load sets' .vm is now .api
  * Internal variables smalltalk/globals/_st are now $core/$globals/$recv


+ smalltalk.
  + accessJavaScript
+ Object >>
  + postMessageTo:
  + postMessageTo:origin:
+ Class >>
  + heliosClass
+ SmalltalkImage >>
  + core
+ amber/boot exports
  + api
+ amber/{devel,deploy,lang} exports
  + api


- ProtoObject class >>
  - heliosClass
- Object class >>
  - heliosClass

I would like to thank Herbert for all his hard work on this release. He
has done a wonderful job as the new maintainer of Amber. Thank you!

Nicolas Petton

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Re: [amber-lang] Amber 0.13 released!

Bernat Romagosa
This is JUST PERFECT. Killer feature!

2014-10-10 14:56 GMT+02:00 H. Hirzel <[hidden email]>:
On 10/10/14, Bernat Romagosa <[hidden email]> wrote:
> These are great news. Congratulations to all!
> Any further info on how deploying works now?

Is Amber now creating a single
> compiled js file with the whole project?



       amber init

to create a project 0.13 style.

This creates among a lot of other files a Gruntfile.js (


     grunt deploy

on the command line
your project is transmogrifyed into a single JavaScript file called 'the.js'.

This means for deployment you only need

        index.html and the.js

'the.js' contains only JavaScript. No Smtk sources.

A crucial feature to actually use Amber in projects.

So for me this is a much larger mile stone than the modest 0.13
version number implies.


> 2014-10-10 14:17 GMT+02:00 Nicolas Petton <[hidden email]>:
>> Hi!
>> After three months of development we are happy to announce the release
>> of Amber 0.13.1 (skipping 0.13.0 for technical reasons). The team has
>> once again been busy improving Amber to make it rock more than ever!
>> With 172 commits, this release brings several important improvements as
>> well as the usual bug fixes.
>> Highlights:
>> * Reworked cleaner DNU handling in core.
>> * `amber init` fully embraced as the way to create new project.
>> * Helios IDE is extracted and is now a project on its own.
>>   * It is included as dev-dependency in any new project by default.
>> * Movable data out of index.html:
>>   * list of production packages in deploy.js;
>>   * list of development packages in devel.js;
>>   * project amd mappings in local.amd.json;
>>   * libraries' amd mappings in lib_directory.amd.json.
>> * 'Batteries included' deployment via `grunt deploy`.
>> * 0.13.1 because of technical issues w/ 0.13.0 release process.
>> Commits:
>> Issues:
>> API changes:
>> - Smalltalk side:
>>   * String >> asSelector is now String >> asJavaScriptMethodName
>>   * String >> asJavaScriptSelector is now String >>
>> asJavaScriptPropertyName
>>   * Collection >> ifEmpty:ifNotEmpty: family passes self to ifNotEmpty:
>> block
>> - JavaScript side
>>   * smalltalk.selector is now smalltalk.st2js
>>   * smalltalk.convertSelector is now smalltalk.js2st
>>   * Smalltalk vm is now Smalltalk core
>>   * boot.js's .vm is now .api
>>   * amber load sets' .vm is now .api
>>   * Internal variables smalltalk/globals/_st are now $core/$globals/$recv
>> Additions:
>> + smalltalk.
>>   + accessJavaScript
>> + Object >>
>>   + postMessageTo:
>>   + postMessageTo:origin:
>> + Class >>
>>   + heliosClass
>> + SmalltalkImage >>
>>   + core
>> + amber/boot exports
>>   + api
>> + amber/{devel,deploy,lang} exports
>>   + api
>> Removals:
>> - ProtoObject class >>
>>   - heliosClass
>> - Object class >>
>>   - heliosClass
>> I would like to thank Herbert for all his hard work on this release. He
>> has done a wonderful job as the new maintainer of Amber. Thank you!
>> Nicolas
>> --
>> Nicolas Petton
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "amber-lang" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
>> email to [hidden email].
>> For more options, visit
> --
> Bernat Romagosa.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "amber-lang" group.
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Bernat Romagosa.

Esug-list mailing list
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