Re: another slice for popups cleaning and some questions

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Re: another slice for popups cleaning and some questions


2009/2/8 Alain Plantec <[hidden email]>
Hi all,
I've uploaded another slice for popup and co cleaning
- it Removes last PopUpMenu references.
- it Removes some of CustomMenu uses (wherever it is possible to replace
it with a simpler UIManager dialog).

I've three questions:
- EmphasizedMenu is never used, can we remove it ?
- MorphicUIManager is subclassed  by PSUIManager which is now the
default UIManager. Several MorphicUImanager methods are
redefined in PSUIManager. So I guess one can simply remove
MorphicUIManager versions. Is it ok to do so ? (as an example,
#chooseDirectory:from:, in MorphicUIManager, the code is using FileList
but now we have the PSUIManager version)
- last unrelated question, I've also seen that ListParagraph is never
used, can we remove it ?

ListParagraph was historically used by ListView (Minimal Morphic images) and PluggableListView>>list: , and you could find initialize references in SystemDictionary, FontSet, TextStyle, Preferences and possibly others.
Let me know if you need help with this issue.


now I am about to see how to kill MVCMenuMorph


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