Re: <body onLoad()

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Re: <body onLoad()

Boris Popov, DeepCove Labs (SNN)
Re: [Seaside] <body onLoad()

self session addLoadScript: 'initialize();' should have the same effect.

-Boris (via BlackBerry)

----- Original Message -----
From: [hidden email] <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email] <[hidden email]>
Sent: Fri Jul 31 17:35:48 2009
Subject: [Seaside] <body  onLoad()


My questions concerns the generation of the <body> in an html file. The
html that is generated by Seaside is:

<body onkeydown="onKeyDown(event)" onload="onLoad()">

I would like to generate:

<body onkeydown="onKeyDown(event)" onload="onLoad(); initialize()">

the "; initialize()" is the new bit.

How do I do this?  I have looked into WAHtmlRoot but I think it is the
wrong path.


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