Re: change process variable while process is running

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Re: change process variable while process is running

this is what I was able to put together thanks to your advice Richard.

I am further developing this research on Pharo as a tool for live coding. I am sending many OSC messages and they sounds pretty on time if the Process is forked at Processor timingPriority.

is that the maximum priority?

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Re: change process variable while process is running

Richard O'Keefe
Open a Playground in Pharo.
Enter the following text.

(((ProcessorScheduler selectors)
  select:  [:each | each endsWith: 'Priority'])
  collect: [:each | {Processor perform: each. each}])
  sorted:  [:x :y | x first <= y first]

Select it, the ctrl-i or "Inspect It" from a menu).
That gives you a list of the named priorities.

From that you will be able to answer your own question.

On Fri, 26 Mar 2021 at 06:39, <[hidden email]> wrote:

this is what I was able to put together thanks to your advice Richard.

I am further developing this research on Pharo as a tool for live coding. I am sending many OSC messages and they sounds pretty on time if the Process is forked at Processor timingPriority.

is that the maximum priority?

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Re: change process variable while process is running
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thanks! I am now sure I am using the highest priority.

one last question about this, maybe very newbie nut I would like to understand things.

so, in your code example for the Process using the ShareQueue and in my running demo, the ShareQueues are not put between pipes ( | | ) before declaration. I thought it was mandatory to have the pipes to declare variables. what is the meaning of having them declare without pipes?

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Re: change process variable while process is running

Richard O'Keefe
Code fragments are by definition incomplete.
SharedQueue with a "d".

On Sun, 28 Mar 2021 at 03:38, <[hidden email]> wrote:

thanks! I am now sure I am using the highest priority.

one last question about this, maybe very newbie nut I would like to understand things.

so, in your code example for the Process using the ShareQueue and in my running demo, the ShareQueues are not put between pipes ( | | ) before declaration. I thought it was mandatory to have the pipes to declare variables. what is the meaning of having them declare without pipes?