Re: comp.lang.smalltalk.dolphin, FINAL NOTICE of Newsgroup Removal

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Re: comp.lang.smalltalk.dolphin, FINAL NOTICE of Newsgroup Removal

Ian Bartholomew-6
Just in case anyone wasn't aware ...

This is a hoax that has been sent to many groups and can be ignored. The
follow up address of the original (the newsgroup that any reply will go to)
is set to a news admin group with the intention that the admin group will be
flooded with irate responses (which it is).


"Usenet Administration" <[hidden email]> wrote in message

> As many of you are aware, this newsgroup is slated
> for removal on January 31st, 2002.  The vote was
> taken at the end of last year, and there was a large
> marjority who wants to see this group removed.
> If you are a regular reader, you need to make other arrangements.
> --
> Stephanie Brackett, Usenet Administrator, [hidden email]
> For Ramzi the unit's younger, at me it's inner, whereas towards you it's
dying cheap.