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Re: [etoys-notify] [JIRA] Commented: (SQ-938) In Spanish, viewer does not start with basic category

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Re: [etoys-notify] [JIRA] Commented: (SQ-938) In Spanish, viewer does not start with basic category

Bert Freudenberg
6568 posts
On 22.05.2011, at 17:52, Karl Ramberg (JIRA) wrote:

> I can not reproduce this error
>> To reproduce:
>> 1. Switch language to "Español"
>> 2. Make an object (e.g., get a "Rectángulo" from supplies)
>> 3. Open its viewer
>> Expected result:
>> - viewer opens with "basico" ("basic") category on top
>> Actual result:
>> - viewer opens with "pruebas" ("tests") category on top


It worked fine in Etoys 4.0, but it's broken and easily reproducible in Etoys 4.1.1 for me.

- Bert -

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Re: [etoys-notify] [JIRA] Commented: (SQ-938) In Spanish, viewer does not start with basic category

Harness, Kathleen
110 posts
see attachment as it opened for the rectangle, I use a Toshiba with Windows 7 Home Premium. Etoys 4.1 latest update #2390

---- Original message ----

>Date: Sun, 22 May 2011 17:58:09 +0200
>From: Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>  
>Subject: Re: [etoys-dev] [etoys-notify] [JIRA] Commented: (SQ-938) In Spanish, viewer does not start with basic category  
>To: [hidden email]
>On 22.05.2011, at 17:52, Karl Ramberg (JIRA) wrote:
>> I can not reproduce this error
>>> To reproduce:
>>> 1. Switch language to "Español"
>>> 2. Make an object (e.g., get a "Rectángulo" from supplies)
>>> 3. Open its viewer
>>> Expected result:
>>> - viewer opens with "basico" ("basic") category on top
>>> Actual result:
>>> - viewer opens with "pruebas" ("tests") category on top
>It worked fine in Etoys 4.0, but it's broken and easily reproducible in Etoys 4.1.1 for me.
>- Bert -
>etoys-dev mailing list
>[hidden email]

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