The PhD Position will be on Software Dynamic Remodularization for
Embedded Systems.
We particularly target applications in mobile robotics
http://vst.ensm-douai.fr/roboticsAttached the description of the PhD position.
On 16 juin 09, at 16:15, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
> Hi all
> We are looking for a (smart) (smalltalker) to work on a phd in the
> topic of:
> Extreme-bound deployement for dynamic languages
> the idea is how can we blow away images and have a mini kernel that
> depending on
> what is happening will load unload parts of an image and reconfigure
> itself dynamically.
> with me/noury/marcus and others
> A clearer description is to come :)
> Stef
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Noury Bouraqadi
-ESUG 17th International Smalltalk Conference - Brest, France, August
31 - September 4, 2009
http://www.esug.org/Conferences/2009-17èmes Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents
(JFSMA’09). Lyon, 19-21 Octobre 2009
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