> Are you just interested in the string being spit out or the functionality it
should implement?
Paul, if I use 'Followup' in the
http://post.gmane.org list the result is
threaded. I then 'Followup' (answer) whoever has most recently answered in
the thread. Sorry for the trouble this is causing you.
Yes, I am following along
http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-ajaxjquery.html Listing 2
The idea of the jQuery fragment is to attach an onClick event to each anchor
within divs with id 'external_links' with code that pops up a confirm that
returns true or false depending on the choice made in the confirm; this will
cause the link to be taken or not.
It is perfectly normal to have html elements with the same 'id'. jQuery and
'getElementById' as well as 'getElementByTagName' return arrays.
> Also why are you using 10 divs with identical ids? I haven't read any HTML
or JavaScript specs but I was under the impression that if you had more than
one ...
Just for illustration of how the selector '#elements_list a' works.
> Why not try to use classes rather than ids like Robert suggested earlier?
If you're interested in it working as you expect rather than the JavaScript
fragment going into the page.
When I use classes as Robert has suggested, the Seaside onClick method still
messes up the quotes and the 'confirm' dialog is not triggered
So the problem is basically that of the Seaside onClick method not working
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