Re: [squeak-dev] [ANN][Squeak-dev Images] August 2008 versions

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Re: [squeak-dev] [ANN][Squeak-dev Images] August 2008 versions

Rob Rothwell
Ok...doing something wrong; when I click on Experimental 3.10-based image,
I still get the *


On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Damien Cassou <[hidden email]> wrote:

I've just uploaded new squeak-dev and squeak-web images based on
Squeak3.9.1-7075, Squeak3.10.2-7179 and Pharo0.1-10050.

More information and download:
Pharo-based images can be downloaded at:

Changes in this version:

- Pharo images are based on version 10050.
- OB-Enhancements has been updated (see the notes from David
- OB-Tools has been included in 3.10 based images. Lukas Renggli
reimplemented different Squeak standard tools using the OmniBrowser
framework: Inspector, Debugger, Process Browser, File Browser,
Transcript and Workspace. Lukas is requesting help for this package:
- Refactoring tools: removal of all UI code, bug fixing, pragmas to
ignore Lint rules locally and new Lint Rules (uncategorized methods,
violations to the Law of Demeter and unconditional recursion)
- UI-Enhancements update (Per-theme optional window corner grip
drawing. BalloonMorph drawn with antialiasing. Reversed order for
composite fill styles due to popular demand. Added FillStyleBorder
supporting fill styles in addition to plain colours. Support for
setting custom mouse-over border style on IconicButton. Minor fixes.
Better handling of window activation when minimising/restoring from
TaskBar. Support for SystemWindows without label area/controls.
Per-theme support for world main docking bar border style.)
- NiceFonts and SUnit-Gui improved are now part of all images

I tried to integrate UI-Enhancements in all images but it failed.
Probably due to a difference between 3.9 and 3.10.

Contained packages:

This image contains the following packages (some packages are only in
the squeak-web image or beta images):

Aida version 5.6
Algernon version 1.2
AST version 160
AutomaticMethodCategorizer version 0.25
AutomaticMethodCategorizerOB version 0.2
Diff Tools version 0.51
DynamicBindings version 2.7
eCompletion version 0.89
eCompletion-Traits version 0.1
eCompletionOmniBrowser version 0.4
Event Enhancements version 0.6
Geometry Models version 0.3
Installer version 4.1
KernelExt-kph version 3.10.53
KomHttpServer version 7.0.30
KomServices version 1.12
Magritte-Model version
Magritte-Morph version
Magritte-Seaside version
Magritte-Tests version
Nice fonts version 0.5
Null version 0.14
OB-Enhancements version 0.191
OmniBrowser version 0.413
OmniBrowser-Full version 0.25
OmniBrowser-Morphic version 0.50
OmniBrowser-Refactory version 0.98
OmniBrowser-Regex version 0.9
OmniBrowser-Standard version 0.345
OmniBrowser-SUnitIntegration version 0.9.1
OmniBrowser-Tools version 0.33
OmniBrowser-TraitsIntegration version 0.34
Pier version current
Pier-Blog version
Pier-Documents version
Pier-EditorEnh version
Pier-Model version
Pier-OmniBrowser version
Pier-Seaside version
Pier-Security version
Pier-Tests version
Refactoring Core version 5
Refactoring Engine version 51
Rio version 0.34.29
Rio-Kernel version 0.81
RoelTyper version 0.60
RSRSS2 version 2.8.9
Scriptaculous version 2.8.228
ScriptManager version 0.6
Seaside version 2.8.522
Seaside-Adapters-Core version pmm.2.mcz
Seaside-Adapters-Swazoo version 8
Seaside-Squeak-Adapters version pmm.3.mcz
SeasideAdaptersCompatibility version pmm.1.mcz
Shout version 3.15-tween.72
ShoutWorkspace version 1-tween.2
SmaCC runtime version 13
Sport version 2.31
Squeak dev packages version 0.23
Squeak dev packages beta version 0.29
Squeak web packages version 0.2
SUnit-improved version 4.0.108
SUnitGUI-improved version 4.0.48
Swazoo version 2.1
ToolBuilder integration for UI Themes version 0.52
UI Themes and Standard Widgets version 0.80
Universes version 45
Universes OmniBrowser version 0.35
VBRegex version 1.9
YAXO version 9

Updating the image:

You are not obliged to download a new image if you don't want. You can
always update your image.

To upgrade your already existing squeak-dev image:

1) World menu->open...->Package Universe Browser
2) Update list from network
3) Select all upgrades
4) Install selection
5) Execute: 'DEVImageCreator default install' (all windows will be closed)

Prepared packages:

There are a lot of packages prepared for you in this image. They are
not loaded in the image, but they can be easily.

- Open Package Universe Browser (world->open...->Package Universe Browser).
- Click on "Update list from network"
- Wait a few seconds
- Select your packages
- Install them

Damien Cassou
Peter von der Ahé: «I'm beginning to see why Gilad wished us good
luck». (

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