Re: [squeak-dev] Amber works on iPad, but we need keyboard/mouse mods.

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Re: [squeak-dev] Amber works on iPad, but we need keyboard/mouse mods.

On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 2:19 AM, edmundronald wrote  (to the Squeak
mailing list, perhaps mistakenly. I have sent this reply to the Amber
list, cc the OP):

> Hi
>  Amber seems to  work on my iPad 1, at least I can get to the Browser.
>  I guess it also works on zillions of cheap Android tablets out there.
>  And you don't even have to install anything!
>  However, the soft keyboard on iPad doesn't have control and meta keys etc,
> and there are no additional mouse buttons because of course there is no
> mouse :) Maybe something should be done about this? I seem to remember that
> Smalltalk was designed in the hope that the tablets would one day appear :)
> Edmund

(1) Great news. (For the benefit of those who don't have an iPad but
would like their Amber apps to work on tablets, which version of iOS
and Safari did you try?)
(2) Amber is not Squeak. It is a new implementation of Smalltalk.
(3) "Maybe something should be done about this?" Yes. On a Dynabook,
the user would be free to modify the soft keyboard code. (Such things
might need jailbreaks or at least compiling new Android code, with the
current crop of tablets. Wait for the XO-3.) In the meantime, I hear
that iPad will work with a bluetooth keyboard and mouse. If the
modifier keys and blue and yellow mouse buttons work that way, that
will at least give you a chance to prototype an alternative that suits
your device, before you ditch your keyboard and mouse to go fully
mobile again!
