Sean wrote
>Thomas Worthington-2 wrote
>>Regardless, what should I do to get SOME version of, say, Moose
>>or CairoGraphics loaded up?
>I tried to load Moose per the instructions on their website [1] and got and error, so I'm not sure. I forwarded the error to >their mailing list [2]
Could it be a well known vm bug?
The released version of Moose is 4.7, which is based on Pharo 1.4
Moose 4.8 is based on Pharo 2.0 and is very close to release, and perfectly useable.
Installing Moose from Monticello packages takes a lot of time as it is large,
so I recommend downloading a development build from fully agree that suggesting to install #stable versions of configurations where
stable is not defined is not very useful.
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