Hi Holger,
I never really determined the root cause, but things slowly got better after a couple of things, like the following;
I only run my application standalone as a fully signed and sandboxed app, AKA I stopped running finalized images with the original VM or unsigned half packaged versions.
I removed (zipped) all older versions and previous releases of my App and VW. I cleaned all references to older vm crashed in the various system directories of OS X.
Notice that the only way to really get your app’s plist validated it to submit it to the App Store, you’ll be amazed by the number of problems it’ll come up with.
The result of all this was not immediate, I suspect Gatekeeper to track and blacklist downloaded crashing or suspicious software and it is only very recently that I manage to run multiple dev VM’s on my system again.
I do not manage to run multiple instances of my app, but at least it runs stable.
> Le 16 avr. 2015 à 12:04, Holger Kleinsorgen <
[hidden email]> a écrit :
> Hi Maarten,
> have you been able to identify what was causing the crashes?
>> Hi,
>> My OSX VM crashes frequently due amongst other things some infinite loops I work on at the moment.
>> After this has happened, double clicking on an image file will cause the VW to show the crash again and that won’t work anymore.
>> This means that I have to double clinking on the app folder, which will first show me a dialog with:
>> "The last time you opened VisualWorks, it unexpectedly quit while reopening windows. Do you want to try to reopen its windows again?”
>> Normally afterwards it will open, however only if no other image is running. If I already have an image running it’ll crash again with something like this:
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