AR 54790...
-----Original Message-----
[hidden email] [mailto:
[hidden email]] On
Behalf Of Reinout Heeck
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 6:11 AM
To: '
[hidden email]'
Subject: [7.6] Release notes bug
[vw7.6 released version].
When copying some text to send to a customer I noticed a little bug:
VW7.6 Release notes -> Introduction to VisualWorks 7.6 -> Known
limitations ->
Delay and Time Change Interaction
It has been noted, particularly on Windows systems, that changing the
time clock adversely affects applications that are in a Delay. The
results vary, but can be as severe as an image hang or crash.
The problem occurs if the system gets out of synchronization with
network time, so that a large correction is necessary. The problem can
be minimized by configuring windows to run a full NTP server, which
changes time gradually, rather than the default SNTP server that
corrects the time all at once.
Arbitrary changes to the clock will continue to cause problems with
running applications in a Delay.
All occurrences of 'server' should be replaced with 'client'.
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