Ok, a minor update on the matcher is attached. Usage example (with German sugar):
| alphabet values matcher |
values := Dictionary new.
alphabet := #($a $b $c $d $e $f $g $h $i $j $k $l $m $n $o $p $q $r $s $t $u $v $w $x $y $z $ä $ö $ü $ß).
with: (1 to: alphabet size)
do: [:letter :value | values at: letter put: value].
matcher := DollarMatcher new.
dollar: 100;
string: 'I have found the dollars';
values: values;
Ok, one last thing. Please consider in usage that the number of matches in a string is approximately 2 power string length - so runtime will be exponential. In the example above it is 22442 - including duplicates.
Ciao, Steffen
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