Re: where to find the ia32/i386 runtime libraries

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Re: where to find the ia32/i386 runtime libraries

Ben Coman

It would seem you already have the necessary ia32 libs since you have successfully opened Pharo. So the VM is there. I think you may not have chosen Don't from the context menu of the selection.
Cheers ben

On 31 Aug 2015 11:47 am, "albert" <[hidden email]> wrote:
Dear Sirs:

I have: opensuse 13.2 x86_64, and glibc 2.19.
So, I downloaded: Default GNU/Linux

After extracting zip, README.txt says:
~ Just install the ia32/i386 runtime libraries and you should be fine.

However, there are no files with such names among the extracted files.

How to proceed installing the runtime libraries?
In advance, thank you.

By the way, opening pharo tells me:
~  You can learn pharo by highlighting the next line and selecting [Do it] from the context menu:"
PharoTutorial go.

Obviously, nothing happens when following these instructions -- the vm isn't there.

When closing the pharo environment window, I get asked to save any changes.
At least, I get a  dialog widget.

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Re: where to find the ia32/i386 runtime libraries

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
One among many:

might help.

Please ask again if you keep on having problems.

> On 31 Aug 2015, at 09:39, Ben Coman <[hidden email]> wrote:
> It would seem you already have the necessary ia32 libs since you have successfully opened Pharo. So the VM is there. I think you may not have chosen Don't from the context menu of the selection.
> Cheers ben
> On 31 Aug 2015 11:47 am, "albert" <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Dear Sirs:
> I have: opensuse 13.2 x86_64, and glibc 2.19.
> So, I downloaded: Default GNU/Linux
> After extracting zip, README.txt says:
> ~ Just install the ia32/i386 runtime libraries and you should be fine.
> However, there are no files with such names among the extracted files.
> How to proceed installing the runtime libraries?
> In advance, thank you.
> By the way, opening pharo tells me:
> ~  You can learn pharo by highlighting the next line and selecting [Do it] from the context menu:"
> PharoTutorial go.
> Obviously, nothing happens when following these instructions -- the vm isn't there.
> When closing the pharo environment window, I get asked to save any changes.
> At least, I get a  dialog widget.
> Thanks,
> Albert