Dear Sirs/Madams,
I want to control a device via the serial port on Linux using Visualworks
Smalltalk 7.9.1. It works like I send some characters over the com and get a
bunch of characters back.
I stole some code from the internet and mixed it together, the resulting
script is at the end of my message. The connection with the port works and I
can send messages over the line, which surprised me since I used a "read"
method. My question is:
How can I read out the characters coming back via the com-port, listen to it?
Would be nice if someone could enlighten me.
Thanks a lot for answering.
Best Regards,
| tty options IO conn |
UnixTtyAccessor hookupTo: 'ignored sys5 ignored'.
tty := UnixRealTtyAccessor open: '/dev/ttyS1'.
options := tty getOptions.
speed: 9600 ; "9600 baud"
setBinary ;
parity: nil.
tty setOptions: options.
tty ifNil: [ "something went wrong with the open" ]
ifNotNil: [
"send some bytes"
conn := ExternalConnection ioAccessor: tty.
IO := ExternalReadAppendStream on: conn.
IO lineEndLF.
IO nextPutAll: 'Test.'.
IO flush.
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