Reading rows in a database table (select * from ...)

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Reading rows in a database table (select * from ...)

Sanjay Minni

what is the usual practice in reading in rows from a database table
- is a loop usually written to read next n rows / till the end  
- does the arriving data have to be processed like a dictionary into a collection where each object corresponds to a row and each key/value into the objects methods corresponding to columns

e.g in NBSQLite3 interface  test I find the command below used, looks like I need to process row by row

rs := db execute: 'select * from x'.
row := rs next.
... := row at: <key>
rs close  

(I will be using Sqlite, Postgresv2 and ODBC drivers ... 3 separate projects)


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Re: Reading rows in a database table (select * from ...)

Sanjay Minni

let me clarify ...

with a Postgres connection using Pharo4+PostgresV2 this works:
  result := pgConnection execute: 'select * from mytable'.
  result rows -><print> gives an ordered collection of the rows

but how to get this in Sqlite (Pharo4+NBSqlite3)
  result := nbsqliteConnection execute: 'select * from mytable'.
  result rows -><print> gives a walk back

since I will be extending to other databases (definitely oracle & mysql) how can I figure out the best way  to do Create Retrieve Update Delete operations - each with multiple rows

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Re: Reading rows in a database table (select * from ...)

Sergio Fedi
I don't know if this is your case, but I remember our team having a problem in SQL selects.

Th rows it retrieved where very volatile; after the first read they dissappeared. So the first step was to save them/copy them into a ST object and then process them.
(this was due to the memory of each record been in a temporary memory buffer)

​As I mentioned before, I don't know if this is your case.

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Re: Reading rows in a database table (select * from ...)

Sanjay Minni
Sergio - which database driver are you using and what is the expression to read in multiple rows

problem 1:
in PostgresV2 I used
res := postgresConnection execute: 'select * from df_co;'.
and then
res rows seems to return an array with the rows

I have not tried with a large result set say 10000 rows and want to know how it is to be handled  

Problem 2:
But in Sqlite I am unable to get the result set

the smalltalkhub page shows an example
db execute: 'SELECT * FROM BLOGPOSTS;'.
but how are the rows supposed to be accessed - in the tests i see they have to be walked thru one by one like a 3GL loop

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Re: Reading rows in a database table (select * from ...)

Sergio Fedi
I haven't worked myself with this part of the code, but I can show you how we did it.

Sergio - which database driver are you using and what is the expression to
read in multiple rows

This is how we performed a query:

| rows lista |
rows := (self executeSQL: 'SELECT * from GVA14 order by NOM_COM') rows.
lista := Dictionary new.
rows do: [ :row | lista at: (row valueNamed: 'COD_CLIENT') put: (Cliente fromRow: row)   ].
^ lista

executeSQL: aSQLStatement

self ensureDBConnection.
self dbType = 'MYSQL'
ifTrue: [ ^ (self conn prepare: aSQLStatement) execute: #() ].
self dbType = 'ODBC'
ifTrue: [ ^ (self conn query: aSQLStatement) execute asTable ]
ifFalse: [ ^ self conn execute: aSQLStatement ]

But the driver had several quirks, so we had to do this on ensureDBConnection


[self dbType isNil ifTrue: [
self conn isConnected
ifFalse: [ self conn connect ].
self conn isOpen
ifFalse: [ 
[ self conn open ] on: DBXError do: [ self error: 'Error de conexion con la base de datos.' ].
self conn execute: 'SET ANSI_NULLS ON'.
self conn execute: 'SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON' ].
^ (self conn execute: 'select 1') rows first rawValues first = '1']
ifFalse: [^self ensureDBConnectionFor: self dbType]] on: Error do: [self error: 'Error de conexion con la base de datos']

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Re: Reading rows in a database table (select * from ...)

Pierce Ng-3
In reply to this post by Sanjay Minni
On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 06:29:53AM -0700, Sanjay Minni wrote:
> the smalltalkhub page shows an example
> db execute: 'SELECT * FROM BLOGPOSTS;'.
> but how are the rows supposed to be accessed - in the tests i see they have
> to be walked thru one by one like a 3GL loop


Here's how you can collect all rows:

  | db resultSet row coll |
  coll := OrderedCollection new.
  db := NBSQLite3Connection openOn: '/tmp/so.db'.
  [   resultSet := db execute: 'select * from posts limit 10'.
      [ (row := resultSet next) notNil ] whileTrue: [
          coll add: row ]
  ] ensure: [ db close ].
  coll inspect.

Each row is an NBSQLite3Row instance. Use #at: with the column name as key
to get at the data.

  coll fifth at: 'Title'
  ==> 'How do I calculate someone''s age in C#?'

With the collection you still have to loop through them, no?

I am using NBSQLite3 to play with existing data, and I haven't worked with
enough different types of data to attempt to generalize a looping construct. So
I've always done by-row processing.

Another reason is that, while my data sets aren't "Big Data", I am
aesthetically inclined against reading everything into RAM. :-) Above example
uses the Sep 2011 StackOverflow data dump. The SQLite datafile created from the
dump, with full text indexing, is 16GB and the table posts has ~6.5 million



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Re: Reading rows in a database table (select * from ...)

Sanjay Minni
In reply to this post by Sergio Fedi
Sergio -

Are you using DBX - there seem to be (-ve) comments on DBX here 

for Windows ODBC seems to be successfully used across many RDBMS engines here

Not sure about a stable approach on Linux ... which I am also looking for

Unfortunately RDBMS is central to my world

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Re: Reading rows in a database table (select * from ...)

Sanjay Minni
In reply to this post by Pierce Ng-3

Thanks Pierce - I go the drift of the loop but have actually tried it out with the odbc<->sqlite driver

however in your notes below you mentioned that you used a dump of large size. My question is when faced with such large row sets how do you limit the size of data read in the select statement .

Select * from table would probably read in the entire table set, and the limit clause would stop and not go beyond the no# of rows specified.

another doubt I had was from the example code below from the NBSQLite3.
is rs close at the right place - would it be closing the connection ?

   res := db beginTransaction.

   rs := db execute: '...'.
   rs close.

   res := db commitTransaction.


Pierce Ng-3 wrote
On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 06:29:53AM -0700, Sanjay Minni wrote:
> the smalltalkhub page shows an example
> db execute: 'SELECT * FROM BLOGPOSTS;'.
> but how are the rows supposed to be accessed - in the tests i see they have
> to be walked thru one by one like a 3GL loop


Here's how you can collect all rows:

  | db resultSet row coll |
  coll := OrderedCollection new.
  db := NBSQLite3Connection openOn: '/tmp/so.db'.
  [   resultSet := db execute: 'select * from posts limit 10'.
      [ (row := resultSet next) notNil ] whileTrue: [
          coll add: row ]
  ] ensure: [ db close ].
  coll inspect.

Each row is an NBSQLite3Row instance. Use #at: with the column name as key
to get at the data.

  coll fifth at: 'Title'
  ==> 'How do I calculate someone''s age in C#?'

With the collection you still have to loop through them, no?

I am using NBSQLite3 to play with existing data, and I haven't worked with
enough different types of data to attempt to generalize a looping construct. So
I've always done by-row processing.

Another reason is that, while my data sets aren't "Big Data", I am
aesthetically inclined against reading everything into RAM. :-) Above example
uses the Sep 2011 StackOverflow data dump. The SQLite datafile created from the
dump, with full text indexing, is 16GB and the table posts has ~6.5 million


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Re: Reading rows in a database table (select * from ...)

Pierce Ng-3
On Fri, May 01, 2015 at 04:23:26AM -0700, Sanjay Minni wrote:
> however in your notes below you mentioned that you used a dump of large
> size. My question is when faced with such large row sets how do you limit
> the size of data read in the select statement .

This web page suggests how to deal with this:

> another doubt I had was from the example code below from the NBSQLite3.
> is rs close at the right place - would it be closing the connection ?
>    res := db beginTransaction.
>    rs := db execute: '...'.
>    rs close.
>    res := db commitTransaction.

rs holds an NBSQLite3ResultSet instance. Closing it does not close the the
database connection object which is an NBSQLite3Connection instance.  In my
example I had failed to close the result set object. :-P

Resource finalization is still tricky at times. I have a few broken images
lying around, mostly due to that.
