Real-Fast! Smalltalk Technology?

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Real-Fast! Smalltalk Technology?

Randy Manning
I recently stumbled upon some very interesting Smalltalk-related material.

The last paragraph absolutely shocked me!

I've always dreamed that if Smalltalk had the capability of speedily
implementing strongly-typed number crunching code, such as a "Fast Fourier
Transform", then it would become the ultimate software development platform.
Esp. for scientific, financial simulation programs etc.

Could the technology discussed in the website above be incorporated into
Dolphin? The technology sounds absolutely salivating to me. I could be
wrong, but I think this is some very good stuff. Is this technology a good
idea for Dolphin?

I would very-much like to hear from others, pro or con, on the issue.

Hope you enjoy the read as much as I did,


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Re: Real-Fast! Smalltalk Technology?

Hernán Galante
Hi Randy,
There's an excelent document that explain very well the decisions that
had been taken in Dolphin.

I think Dolphin is fast, it's compact and simple and it is "readable",
that is the most important feature if you plan to use it in production
Strongtalk is an experiment, It's good to know that it can be done but
I don't need the Strongtalk's features in Dolphin when I want to write
an application ;-)

Best regards,