"Ian Bartholomew" <
[hidden email]> wrote in message news:<gR5N9.2931$h43.419092@stones>...
> never-mind wrote:
> > I solve simple problem. I try to read the content of a directory (for
> > ex. c:\) recursively and I need to distinguish the directories from
> > the files.
> []
> > Could anybody give me an advise how solve this problem in dolphin 2.1
> Directories are indicated by a bit set in the file attributes. The
> following only displays directory names -
> File for: 'c:\*.*' do: [:each |
> (each dwFileAttributes allMask: 16)
> ifTrue: [
> Transcript print: each fileName; cr]]
> You might get more matches than you expect - some system folders along with
> "." and ".." also have this bit set.
Thank you for your answer.