I made the following change:
RefactoryChangeManager>>ignoreChangesWhile: aBlock
"Added useWarningLevel0While: because if the warning level is not 0 the refactoring can
fail during the execution and leave the code in an inconsistent state - g.cotelli"
Compiler useWarningLevel0While: [
isPerformingRefactoring ifTrue: [^aBlock value].
isPerformingRefactoring := true.
aBlock ensure: [isPerformingRefactoring := false]]
to avoid some failure doing refactorings when the warning level is for example at 2. To reproduce perform a refactoring that needs to change a method that raises a warning at the current level (but not at 0). Without the Compiler userWarningLevel0While: the refactoring fails in the middle of the execution leaving the code in an inconsistent state.
Feel free to integrate this change.
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