RefactoringBrowser (RB) failing to correctly bind "self" in closures?

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RefactoringBrowser (RB) failing to correctly bind "self" in closures?

GLASS mailing list
Hi guys,

I have some code that uses RB and such code works correctly in Pharo but it fails in GemStone. It seems a problem with a closure which in Pharo "self" resolves to the real object while in GemStone resolves to nil. 

The way to reproduce it is:

| tree rewriter |
tree := RBParser parseMethod: 'DoIt ^ [:proxy | proxy at: #oldSelector. ]'.
rewriter := RBParseTreeRewriter new.
replace: ('`#oldSelector `{:node | node value isSymbol and: [node value matchesRegex: ''.*oldSelector.*''] }')
with: ('`{RBLiteralNode value: (`#oldSelector value copyReplaceAll: ''oldSelector'' with: ''newSelector'') asSymbol }').
rewriter executeTree: tree.
rewriter tree newSource
And the problem is the line:

with: ('`{RBLiteralNode value: (`#oldSelector value copyReplaceAll: ''oldSelector'' with: ''newSelector'') asSymbol }').

which gets translated to:

[ :aDictionary | 
    ((self lookupMatchFor: '`#oldSelector' in: aDictionary) value
      copyReplaceAll: 'oldSelector'
      with: 'newSelector') asSymbol ]

And the self there fails.

Any idea how this is expected to work?

Thanks in advance


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Re: RefactoringBrowser (RB) failing to correctly bind "self" in closures?

GLASS mailing list
I forgot to said..the message node:

(self lookupMatchFor: '`#oldSelector' in: aDictionary)  

Gets generated in:

RBPatternBlockNode >> constructLookupNodeFor: aString in: aRBBlockNode 
| argumentNode |
argumentNode := RBLiteralNode value: aString.

receiver: (RBVariableNode named: 'self')
selector: #lookupMatchFor:in:
arguments: (Array with: argumentNode with: aRBBlockNode arguments last)

On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 5:17 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi guys,

I have some code that uses RB and such code works correctly in Pharo but it fails in GemStone. It seems a problem with a closure which in Pharo "self" resolves to the real object while in GemStone resolves to nil. 

The way to reproduce it is:

| tree rewriter |
tree := RBParser parseMethod: 'DoIt ^ [:proxy | proxy at: #oldSelector. ]'.
rewriter := RBParseTreeRewriter new.
replace: ('`#oldSelector `{:node | node value isSymbol and: [node value matchesRegex: ''.*oldSelector.*''] }')
with: ('`{RBLiteralNode value: (`#oldSelector value copyReplaceAll: ''oldSelector'' with: ''newSelector'') asSymbol }').
rewriter executeTree: tree.
rewriter tree newSource
And the problem is the line:

with: ('`{RBLiteralNode value: (`#oldSelector value copyReplaceAll: ''oldSelector'' with: ''newSelector'') asSymbol }').

which gets translated to:

[ :aDictionary | 
    ((self lookupMatchFor: '`#oldSelector' in: aDictionary) value
      copyReplaceAll: 'oldSelector'
      with: 'newSelector') asSymbol ]

And the self there fails.

Any idea how this is expected to work?

Thanks in advance



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Re: RefactoringBrowser (RB) failing to correctly bind "self" in closures?

GLASS mailing list
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list

On 11/19/2015 12:17 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I have some code that uses RB and such code works correctly in Pharo
> but it fails in GemStone.

The full RB code base hasn't been ported to GemStone ... IIRC there were
several hundred(?) failing tests the last time I checked ... The part of
RB that works is the formatter ....

The main issue is that the reflection api is completely different and so
I would assume that if the RB code is reasonably structured with
relation to assumptions about the reflection api, it shouldn't be too
big a job to get things passing ... I haven't had the time to look into
the issues in any great detail ...

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Re: RefactoringBrowser (RB) failing to correctly bind "self" in closures?

GLASS mailing list

On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 11/19/2015 12:17 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass wrote:
Hi guys,

I have some code that uses RB and such code works correctly in Pharo but it fails in GemStone.

The full RB code base hasn't been ported to GemStone ... IIRC there were several hundred(?) failing tests the last time I checked ... The part of RB that works is the formatter ....

The main issue is that the reflection api is completely different and so I would assume that if the RB code is reasonably structured with relation to assumptions about the reflection api, it shouldn't be too big a job to get things passing ... I haven't had the time to look into the issues in any great detail ...

Ouch.... since I saw the RB was loaded in GemStone I thought the core package was indeed working. 
Ufffff I wrote quite a lot of code that relies on this which works correctly in Pharo. 
grrrrr I must get this to work, at least this subpart.

Any pointers in differences binding "self" in closures from GemStone 3.2.x and Pharo?  I don't know even where to start...



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Re: RefactoringBrowser (RB) failing to correctly bind "self" in closures?

GLASS mailing list
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list
In tODE, I've been able to make `self` resolve to a proper object by using the following to evaluate code:

  | meth |
  meth := self
    _compileInContext: aContext
    symbolList: symbolList
    oldLitVars: litVarArray
    environmentId: 0.
  ^ meth _executeInContext: aContext

`self` is bound to aContext ... presumable RB is passing in a `nil` arg there ....

If you have fixes for RB, please fork the RB project[1] and share your fixes via a pull request.



On 11/19/2015 12:17 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass wrote:
Hi guys,

I have some code that uses RB and such code works correctly in Pharo but it fails in GemStone. It seems a problem with a closure which in Pharo "self" resolves to the real object while in GemStone resolves to nil. 

The way to reproduce it is:

| tree rewriter |
tree := RBParser parseMethod: 'DoIt ^ [:proxy | proxy at: #oldSelector. ]'.
rewriter := RBParseTreeRewriter new.
replace: ('`#oldSelector `{:node | node value isSymbol and: [node value matchesRegex: ''.*oldSelector.*''] }')
with: ('`{RBLiteralNode value: (`#oldSelector value copyReplaceAll: ''oldSelector'' with: ''newSelector'') asSymbol }').
rewriter executeTree: tree.
rewriter tree newSource
And the problem is the line:
with: ('`{RBLiteralNode value: (`#oldSelector value copyReplaceAll: ''oldSelector'' with: ''newSelector'') asSymbol }').
which gets translated to:
[ :aDictionary | 
    ((self lookupMatchFor: '`#oldSelector' in: aDictionary) value
      copyReplaceAll: 'oldSelector'
      with: 'newSelector') asSymbol ]
And the self there fails.
Any idea how this is expected to work?
Thanks in advance


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Re: RefactoringBrowser (RB) failing to correctly bind "self" in closures?

GLASS mailing list
OK, I found the place Dale, and now my tests DO work :)
I replaced "source evaluate" with the below lines in bold. 

RBPatternBlockNode >> createBlockFor: aRBBlockNode
  | source |
  self replacePatternNodesIn: aRBBlockNode.
  source := aRBBlockNode formattedCode.
  ^ (source
    _compileInContext: self
    symbolList: GsSession currentSession symbolList
    oldLitVars: nil
    environmentId: 0) _executeInContext: self

I will see if there are tests I can run from RB and next week I will fork and commit fix.


On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 4:54 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
In tODE, I've been able to make `self` resolve to a proper object by using the following to evaluate code:

  | meth |
  meth := self
    _compileInContext: aContext
    symbolList: symbolList
    oldLitVars: litVarArray
    environmentId: 0.
  ^ meth _executeInContext: aContext

`self` is bound to aContext ... presumable RB is passing in a `nil` arg there ....

If you have fixes for RB, please fork the RB project[1] and share your fixes via a pull request.



On 11/19/2015 12:17 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass wrote:
Hi guys,

I have some code that uses RB and such code works correctly in Pharo but it fails in GemStone. It seems a problem with a closure which in Pharo "self" resolves to the real object while in GemStone resolves to nil. 

The way to reproduce it is:

| tree rewriter |
tree := RBParser parseMethod: 'DoIt ^ [:proxy | proxy at: #oldSelector. ]'.
rewriter := RBParseTreeRewriter new.
replace: ('`#oldSelector `{:node | node value isSymbol and: [node value matchesRegex: ''.*oldSelector.*''] }')
with: ('`{RBLiteralNode value: (`#oldSelector value copyReplaceAll: ''oldSelector'' with: ''newSelector'') asSymbol }').
rewriter executeTree: tree.
rewriter tree newSource
And the problem is the line:
with: ('`{RBLiteralNode value: (`#oldSelector value copyReplaceAll: ''oldSelector'' with: ''newSelector'') asSymbol }').
which gets translated to:
[ :aDictionary | 
    ((self lookupMatchFor: '`#oldSelector' in: aDictionary) value
      copyReplaceAll: 'oldSelector'
      with: 'newSelector') asSymbol ]
And the self there fails.
Any idea how this is expected to work?
Thanks in advance


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Re: RefactoringBrowser (RB) failing to correctly bind "self" in closures?

GLASS mailing list
Cool ....

Now, tODE only loads AST-Core and I just checked and there _was_ only one test error (a test problem that I just fixed), so you must be using other parts of RB ....

Perhaps we could do a mini sprint for RB and get the tests passing for more of the system?

If you are interested perhaps you could let me know what sub-systems you are using and we could divvy up the tests?


On 11/22/15 10:58 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
OK, I found the place Dale, and now my tests DO work :)
I replaced "source evaluate" with the below lines in bold. 

RBPatternBlockNode >> createBlockFor: aRBBlockNode
  | source |
  self replacePatternNodesIn: aRBBlockNode.
  source := aRBBlockNode formattedCode.
  ^ (source
    _compileInContext: self
    symbolList: GsSession currentSession symbolList
    oldLitVars: nil
    environmentId: 0) _executeInContext: self

I will see if there are tests I can run from RB and next week I will fork and commit fix.


On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 4:54 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
In tODE, I've been able to make `self` resolve to a proper object by using the following to evaluate code:

  | meth |
  meth := self
    _compileInContext: aContext
    symbolList: symbolList
    oldLitVars: litVarArray
    environmentId: 0.
  ^ meth _executeInContext: aContext

`self` is bound to aContext ... presumable RB is passing in a `nil` arg there ....

If you have fixes for RB, please fork the RB project[1] and share your fixes via a pull request.



On 11/19/2015 12:17 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass wrote:
Hi guys,

I have some code that uses RB and such code works correctly in Pharo but it fails in GemStone. It seems a problem with a closure which in Pharo "self" resolves to the real object while in GemStone resolves to nil. 

The way to reproduce it is:

| tree rewriter |
tree := RBParser parseMethod: 'DoIt ^ [:proxy | proxy at: #oldSelector. ]'.
rewriter := RBParseTreeRewriter new.
replace: ('`#oldSelector `{:node | node value isSymbol and: [node value matchesRegex: ''.*oldSelector.*''] }')
with: ('`{RBLiteralNode value: (`#oldSelector value copyReplaceAll: ''oldSelector'' with: ''newSelector'') asSymbol }').
rewriter executeTree: tree.
rewriter tree newSource
And the problem is the line:
with: ('`{RBLiteralNode value: (`#oldSelector value copyReplaceAll: ''oldSelector'' with: ''newSelector'') asSymbol }').
which gets translated to:
[ :aDictionary | 
    ((self lookupMatchFor: '`#oldSelector' in: aDictionary) value
      copyReplaceAll: 'oldSelector'
      with: 'newSelector') asSymbol ]
And the self there fails.
Any idea how this is expected to work?
Thanks in advance


Glass mailing list
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Re: RefactoringBrowser (RB) failing to correctly bind "self" in closures?

GLASS mailing list

On Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 4:17 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
Cool ....

Now, tODE only loads AST-Core and I just checked and there _was_ only one test error (a test problem that I just fixed), so you must be using other parts of RB ....

Perhaps we could do a mini sprint for RB and get the tests passing for more of the system?

If you are interested perhaps you could let me know what sub-systems you are using and we could divvy up the tests?

I am supposed to be using the AST-Core package. However, it seems that even in Pharo, there is no test that covers my scenario. 

Before I fork and commit the fix, let me ask...shouldn't we move RB from dalehenrichs into gsDevKitHome?   even more because it's even used by tODE right?  I guess you will need to update a couple of things of gsDevKit_home scripts in order to get the new repo, but probably worth.
Anyway, let me know what do you think. 


On 11/22/15 10:58 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
OK, I found the place Dale, and now my tests DO work :)
I replaced "source evaluate" with the below lines in bold. 

RBPatternBlockNode >> createBlockFor: aRBBlockNode
  | source |
  self replacePatternNodesIn: aRBBlockNode.
  source := aRBBlockNode formattedCode.
  ^ (source
    _compileInContext: self
    symbolList: GsSession currentSession symbolList
    oldLitVars: nil
    environmentId: 0) _executeInContext: self

I will see if there are tests I can run from RB and next week I will fork and commit fix.


On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 4:54 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email][hidden email]> wrote:
In tODE, I've been able to make `self` resolve to a proper object by using the following to evaluate code:

  | meth |
  meth := self
    _compileInContext: aContext
    symbolList: symbolList
    oldLitVars: litVarArray
    environmentId: 0.
  ^ meth _executeInContext: aContext

`self` is bound to aContext ... presumable RB is passing in a `nil` arg there ....

If you have fixes for RB, please fork the RB project[1] and share your fixes via a pull request.



On 11/19/2015 12:17 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass wrote:
Hi guys,

I have some code that uses RB and such code works correctly in Pharo but it fails in GemStone. It seems a problem with a closure which in Pharo "self" resolves to the real object while in GemStone resolves to nil. 

The way to reproduce it is:

| tree rewriter |
tree := RBParser parseMethod: 'DoIt ^ [:proxy | proxy at: #oldSelector. ]'.
rewriter := RBParseTreeRewriter new.
replace: ('`#oldSelector `{:node | node value isSymbol and: [node value matchesRegex: ''.*oldSelector.*''] }')
with: ('`{RBLiteralNode value: (`#oldSelector value copyReplaceAll: ''oldSelector'' with: ''newSelector'') asSymbol }').
rewriter executeTree: tree.
rewriter tree newSource
And the problem is the line:
with: ('`{RBLiteralNode value: (`#oldSelector value copyReplaceAll: ''oldSelector'' with: ''newSelector'') asSymbol }').
which gets translated to:
[ :aDictionary | 
    ((self lookupMatchFor: '`#oldSelector' in: aDictionary) value
      copyReplaceAll: 'oldSelector'
      with: 'newSelector') asSymbol ]
And the self there fails.
Any idea how this is expected to work?
Thanks in advance


Glass mailing list
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Glass mailing list
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Re: RefactoringBrowser (RB) failing to correctly bind "self" in closures?

GLASS mailing list

On 11/23/2015 05:12 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 4:17 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
Cool ....

Now, tODE only loads AST-Core and I just checked and there _was_ only one test error (a test problem that I just fixed), so you must be using other parts of RB ....

Perhaps we could do a mini sprint for RB and get the tests passing for more of the system?

If you are interested perhaps you could let me know what sub-systems you are using and we could divvy up the tests?

I am supposed to be using the AST-Core package. However, it seems that even in Pharo, there is no test that covers my scenario.
haha, well this cuts down the scope of the RB sprint ... the 100's of faiing tests were in the other parts of RB that aren't loaded with AST-Core....

Before I fork and commit the fix, let me ask...shouldn't we move RB from dalehenrichs into gsDevKitHome?   even more because it's even used by tODE right?  I guess you will need to update a couple of things of gsDevKit_home scripts in order to get the new repo, but probably worth.
Anyway, let me know what do you think. 

I would say that you can go ahead and fork my repo ... when It is moved to GsDevKit, ownership will be re-assigned so the repo will move and your fork will point to the GsDevKit version ... to keep old things working, I will make a new fork of rb ....

replacing the cloned repo will be a bit dicier but can be done with a little work .. something that I don't necessarily want to have to deal with at the moment:)


Glass mailing list
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Re: RefactoringBrowser (RB) failing to correctly bind "self" in closures?

GLASS mailing list
OK Dale, 

Can you check if everything went correct with my PR?


On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 3:15 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 11/23/2015 05:12 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 4:17 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
Cool ....

Now, tODE only loads AST-Core and I just checked and there _was_ only one test error (a test problem that I just fixed), so you must be using other parts of RB ....

Perhaps we could do a mini sprint for RB and get the tests passing for more of the system?

If you are interested perhaps you could let me know what sub-systems you are using and we could divvy up the tests?

I am supposed to be using the AST-Core package. However, it seems that even in Pharo, there is no test that covers my scenario.
haha, well this cuts down the scope of the RB sprint ... the 100's of faiing tests were in the other parts of RB that aren't loaded with AST-Core....

Before I fork and commit the fix, let me ask...shouldn't we move RB from dalehenrichs into gsDevKitHome?   even more because it's even used by tODE right?  I guess you will need to update a couple of things of gsDevKit_home scripts in order to get the new repo, but probably worth.
Anyway, let me know what do you think. 

I would say that you can go ahead and fork my repo ... when It is moved to GsDevKit, ownership will be re-assigned so the repo will move and your fork will point to the GsDevKit version ... to keep old things working, I will make a new fork of rb ....

replacing the cloned repo will be a bit dicier but can be done with a little work .. something that I don't necessarily want to have to deal with at the moment:)



Glass mailing list
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Re: RefactoringBrowser (RB) failing to correctly bind "self" in closures?

GLASS mailing list
Tests were green, so I merged your pull request ... thanks!


On 11/23/2015 11:47 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
OK Dale, 

Can you check if everything went correct with my PR?


On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 3:15 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 11/23/2015 05:12 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 4:17 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
Cool ....

Now, tODE only loads AST-Core and I just checked and there _was_ only one test error (a test problem that I just fixed), so you must be using other parts of RB ....

Perhaps we could do a mini sprint for RB and get the tests passing for more of the system?

If you are interested perhaps you could let me know what sub-systems you are using and we could divvy up the tests?

I am supposed to be using the AST-Core package. However, it seems that even in Pharo, there is no test that covers my scenario.
haha, well this cuts down the scope of the RB sprint ... the 100's of faiing tests were in the other parts of RB that aren't loaded with AST-Core....

Before I fork and commit the fix, let me ask...shouldn't we move RB from dalehenrichs into gsDevKitHome?   even more because it's even used by tODE right?  I guess you will need to update a couple of things of gsDevKit_home scripts in order to get the new repo, but probably worth.
Anyway, let me know what do you think. 

I would say that you can go ahead and fork my repo ... when It is moved to GsDevKit, ownership will be re-assigned so the repo will move and your fork will point to the GsDevKit version ... to keep old things working, I will make a new fork of rb ....

replacing the cloned repo will be a bit dicier but can be done with a little work .. something that I don't necessarily want to have to deal with at the moment:)



Glass mailing list
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Re: RefactoringBrowser (RB) failing to correctly bind "self" in closures?

GLASS mailing list
BTW, if any other GsDevKit_home user wants to pick up the RB bugfixes do the following:

  updateGsDevKit -st

update shared repos and tODE repos ... do not update clients as RB is only used on the server.

Then for each of the tODE stones you are using (and want updated):

  todeUpdate <stone-name>


On 11/23/2015 12:36 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
Tests were green, so I merged your pull request ... thanks!


On 11/23/2015 11:47 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
OK Dale, 

Can you check if everything went correct with my PR?


On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 3:15 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 11/23/2015 05:12 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 4:17 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
Cool ....

Now, tODE only loads AST-Core and I just checked and there _was_ only one test error (a test problem that I just fixed), so you must be using other parts of RB ....

Perhaps we could do a mini sprint for RB and get the tests passing for more of the system?

If you are interested perhaps you could let me know what sub-systems you are using and we could divvy up the tests?

I am supposed to be using the AST-Core package. However, it seems that even in Pharo, there is no test that covers my scenario.
haha, well this cuts down the scope of the RB sprint ... the 100's of faiing tests were in the other parts of RB that aren't loaded with AST-Core....

Before I fork and commit the fix, let me ask...shouldn't we move RB from dalehenrichs into gsDevKitHome?   even more because it's even used by tODE right?  I guess you will need to update a couple of things of gsDevKit_home scripts in order to get the new repo, but probably worth.
Anyway, let me know what do you think. 

I would say that you can go ahead and fork my repo ... when It is moved to GsDevKit, ownership will be re-assigned so the repo will move and your fork will point to the GsDevKit version ... to keep old things working, I will make a new fork of rb ....

replacing the cloned repo will be a bit dicier but can be done with a little work .. something that I don't necessarily want to have to deal with at the moment:)



Glass mailing list
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Re: RefactoringBrowser (RB) failing to correctly bind "self" in closures?

GLASS mailing list
Dale, now I remembered  a question... 

Why rb project entry is PER STONE (that is, $GS_HOME/sys/local/server/stones/devKit_329/projects/RB.ston) while the other projects loaded by tODE (for example, Ston) are shared (that is, $GS_HOME/GsDevKit_home/sys/default/server/projects/* )  


Thanks in advance, 

On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 5:47 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
BTW, if any other GsDevKit_home user wants to pick up the RB bugfixes do the following:

  updateGsDevKit -st

update shared repos and tODE repos ... do not update clients as RB is only used on the server.

Then for each of the tODE stones you are using (and want updated):

  todeUpdate <stone-name>


On 11/23/2015 12:36 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
Tests were green, so I merged your pull request ... thanks!


On 11/23/2015 11:47 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
OK Dale, 

Can you check if everything went correct with my PR?


On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 3:15 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 11/23/2015 05:12 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 4:17 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email][hidden email]> wrote:
Cool ....

Now, tODE only loads AST-Core and I just checked and there _was_ only one test error (a test problem that I just fixed), so you must be using other parts of RB ....

Perhaps we could do a mini sprint for RB and get the tests passing for more of the system?

If you are interested perhaps you could let me know what sub-systems you are using and we could divvy up the tests?

I am supposed to be using the AST-Core package. However, it seems that even in Pharo, there is no test that covers my scenario.
haha, well this cuts down the scope of the RB sprint ... the 100's of faiing tests were in the other parts of RB that aren't loaded with AST-Core....

Before I fork and commit the fix, let me ask...shouldn't we move RB from dalehenrichs into gsDevKitHome?   even more because it's even used by tODE right?  I guess you will need to update a couple of things of gsDevKit_home scripts in order to get the new repo, but probably worth.
Anyway, let me know what do you think. 

I would say that you can go ahead and fork my repo ... when It is moved to GsDevKit, ownership will be re-assigned so the repo will move and your fork will point to the GsDevKit version ... to keep old things working, I will make a new fork of rb ....

replacing the cloned repo will be a bit dicier but can be done with a little work .. something that I don't necessarily want to have to deal with at the moment:)




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Re: RefactoringBrowser (RB) failing to correctly bind "self" in closures?

GLASS mailing list
Because I forgot to define project entries for rb (and I think filetree) so just a mistake ...


On 11/23/2015 12:52 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
Dale, now I remembered  a question... 

Why rb project entry is PER STONE (that is, $GS_HOME/sys/local/server/stones/devKit_329/projects/RB.ston) while the other projects loaded by tODE (for example, Ston) are shared (that is, $GS_HOME/GsDevKit_home/sys/default/server/projects/* )  


Thanks in advance, 

On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 5:47 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
BTW, if any other GsDevKit_home user wants to pick up the RB bugfixes do the following:

  updateGsDevKit -st

update shared repos and tODE repos ... do not update clients as RB is only used on the server.

Then for each of the tODE stones you are using (and want updated):

  todeUpdate <stone-name>


On 11/23/2015 12:36 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
Tests were green, so I merged your pull request ... thanks!


On 11/23/2015 11:47 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
OK Dale, 

Can you check if everything went correct with my PR?


On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 3:15 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 11/23/2015 05:12 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 4:17 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
Cool ....

Now, tODE only loads AST-Core and I just checked and there _was_ only one test error (a test problem that I just fixed), so you must be using other parts of RB ....

Perhaps we could do a mini sprint for RB and get the tests passing for more of the system?

If you are interested perhaps you could let me know what sub-systems you are using and we could divvy up the tests?

I am supposed to be using the AST-Core package. However, it seems that even in Pharo, there is no test that covers my scenario.
haha, well this cuts down the scope of the RB sprint ... the 100's of faiing tests were in the other parts of RB that aren't loaded with AST-Core....

Before I fork and commit the fix, let me ask...shouldn't we move RB from dalehenrichs into gsDevKitHome?   even more because it's even used by tODE right?  I guess you will need to update a couple of things of gsDevKit_home scripts in order to get the new repo, but probably worth.
Anyway, let me know what do you think. 

I would say that you can go ahead and fork my repo ... when It is moved to GsDevKit, ownership will be re-assigned so the repo will move and your fork will point to the GsDevKit version ... to keep old things working, I will make a new fork of rb ....

replacing the cloned repo will be a bit dicier but can be done with a little work .. something that I don't necessarily want to have to deal with at the moment:)




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