I ran across a bug in the ReferenceFinder>>searchVariablesIn: method.
The fragment:
1 to: anObject class instSize
do: [:i | ... (anObject instVarAt: i) ...
breaks down when anObject is a ProtoObject.
In the case I ran into, it was actually the ODBReference subclass (used
by the Gorisek's OmniBase and SourceTrackingSystem). The #class method,
not being understood, gets redirected to the object the proxy is
standing in for, while the #instVarAt: is handled directly by the
ProtoObject instance. Hence they disagree on how many instance variables
are being dealt with.
Looks like #class should be replaced by #basicClass to fix this.
Bill Dargel
[hidden email]
Shoshana Technologies
100 West Joy Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 USA