Found that the addition (as part of the Dolphin port of the RB) to
ReferenceFinder>>searchIndicesIn: of "anObject isWeak ifTrue: [^nil]."
can end up causing problems by trying to dereference proxies (where
#isWeak gets a DNU). Ran into this with ODBReference (from OmniBase), a
subclass of ProtoObject.
Perhaps the implementation of Object>>isWeak (and #getSpecialBehavior
and #setSpecialBehavior:) should be duplicated for ProtoObject? Or,
given that ProtoObjects cannot be made weak in the first place (as there
is no #beWeak), maybe all that it needs is an "isWeak ^false" method for
Bill Dargel
[hidden email]
Shoshana Technologies
100 West Joy Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 USA