ReferenceStream, tree or graph?

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ReferenceStream, tree or graph?

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi folks. I have a question. Reading  it says:

"This is a way of serializing a tree of objects into disk file. A ReferenceStream can store one or more objects in a persistent form, including sharing and cycles."

I am confused. If it has cycles, shouldn't it be a graph instead of a tree?  I know this is subtle, but it is important for me. I want to know if ReferenceStream supports a graph of objects, NOT only a tree.

Does someone know?



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Re: ReferenceStream, tree or graph?

Lukas Renggli
ReferenceStream can store cycles.

> "This is a way of serializing a tree of objects into disk file. A
> ReferenceStream can store one or more objects in a persistent form,
> including sharing and cycles."

ReferenceStream does a pre-order traversal of the object graph.
Whenever it encounters an object that has been already serialized it
puts a special back-reference to that object. With this strategy you
essentially end up with a tree, if you do not look at these


Lukas Renggli

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