ReferenceView should publish resourceIdentifier (V4.0.1)

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ReferenceView should publish resourceIdentifier (V4.0.1)

Carsten Haerle
I think the ReferenceView class should publish it's most important
attribute #resourceIdentifier. Enclosed the code which does this.

Maybe Andy Bower will incorporate this in to the next release.

"Answer a Set of AspectDescriptors that describe the aspects published
by instances of the receiver"
| aspects |
aspects := super publishedAspectsOfInstances.
removeKey: #hasBorder;
removeKey: #hasClientEdge;
removeKey: #hasStaticEdge;
removeKey: #usePreferredExtent;
removeKey: #contextMenu;
removeKey: #preferredExtent;
removeKey: #font;
removeKey: #isTransparent;
removeKey: #isEnabled;
removeKey: #text;
add: (Aspect string: #resourceIdentifier).


Carsten Haerle
straightec GmbH