Regex search and replace with groups

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Regex search and replace with groups

Davide Varvello
Hi there,
 I'd like to remove a slash from a string like this one: 'abc123/456def/ghi'
The resulting string should be 'abc123456def/ghi' that is only slashes surrounded by numbers should be removed.

I tried with regex and group, using something like:

'abc123/456def/ghi'copyWithRegex: '(\d)/(\d)' matchesReplacedWith: '$1$2'

but of course it doesn't work, dollar sign doesn't identify the group, sigh.
Have you any suggestion?

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Re: Regex search and replace with groups

Davide Varvello
Any regex guru? :-)
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Re: Regex search and replace with groups

Peter H. Meadows
How about:

 'abc123/456def/ghi'copyWithRegex: '(\d)/(\d)' matchesTranslatedUsing:
[ :each | each first asString , each third asString  ].

Not sure if that's the best way, but it seems to work.

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 1:58 AM, Davide Varvello <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Any regex guru? :-)
> Davide
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Re: Regex search and replace with groups

Davide Varvello

yep, Peter, it works. I was looking for something semantically related to grouping, but your solution do the stuff

Peter H. Meadows wrote
How about:

 'abc123/456def/ghi'copyWithRegex: '(\d)/(\d)' matchesTranslatedUsing:
[ :each | each first asString , each third asString  ].

Not sure if that's the best way, but it seems to work.