I'm having an issue registering handlers, and I don't know what might
be causing this.
This is the snippet I'm running:
WAAdmin unregister: 'ts-api'.
(WAAdmin register: WADispatcher at: 'ts-api' ).
(WAAdmin register: TsSaRestfulHandler at: 'ts-api/v1')
addFilter: TsAuthenticationFilter new;
Debugging the whole script shows the handler is being registered in
the default dispatcher handlers map, but it is not show on the
configuration app, nor available to access it.
self assert: (WADispatcher default handlerAt: 'ts-api/v1') class =
TsSaRestfulHandler . "true"
Additionally, if I try to add it manually, it doesn't show up in the
available handlers in the WADispatcherAddPage class, even though it is
returned by #handlerClasses
What am I doing wrong?
Esteban A. Maringolo
seaside mailing list
[hidden email]