Release Candidate

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Release Candidate

Andy Bower

As you know, we had hoped to release D5 before Smalltalk Solutions but it's
just not been possible. However, we have the next best thing. We have
produced a Release Candidate of D5 and this is available from:

Your existing beta serial numbers will work for this release until the end
of the month.

We are intending to open up the RC to users outside the beta programme.
Basically, if someone has purchased an upgrade or a full copy of Dolphin 4
since 1st January then they will automatically be upgraded to D5 free of
charge. These people will be notified of the RC software availability via an
e-mail and an announcement in the normal public Dolphin newsgroup.

Once you see that announcement appear we can move our D5 discussions over
into the public newsgroup to stir some interest for the GA release.
Obviously, existing threads here should continue but new threads should
probably go public. We intend to announce the RC availability sometime in
the next few days while we are a Smalltalk Solutions, so please watch out
for this.

It is our intention to get the final release out for Friday 3rd May.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: Release Candidate

Ian Bartholomew-3

> It is our intention to get the final release out for Friday 3rd May.

Does "for" mean "before"?. I only ask as RC1 expires on the previous
Wednesday - 1/5/2002 ....


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Re: Release Candidate

Ted Bracht
In reply to this post by Andy Bower
Hi Andy,

Congratulations with the RC!

> Once you see that announcement appear we can move our D5 discussions over
> into the public newsgroup to stir some interest for the GA release.
> Obviously, existing threads here should continue but new threads should
> probably go public.

There were some very interesting threads in this beta newsgroup with a lot
of knowledge in them. It would be a shame if these were lost. Would it be
possible to add them (the non-beta-bug ones) to Ian's archives so that they
become available to DSDN?



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Re: Release Candidate

Chris Uppal-3
In reply to this post by Andy Bower

Congrats on getting it out.

Small thing with the installer.  Using the .msi installation of Pro, then
using the "custom" option, the include XP support sub-installation was
initially true, even though this is a W2K box.  In beta4 that sub-option was
fixed at false.

> Andy Bower

    -- chris

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Re: Release Candidate

Andy Bower

> Small thing with the installer.  Using the .msi installation of Pro, then
> using the "custom" option, the include XP support sub-installation was
> initially true, even though this is a W2K box.  In beta4 that sub-option
> fixed at false.

I looked into getting the installer to auto-detect the OS but it was all too
hard (at least for me at that time of day). Anyway we left it with that
option on by default since for non-XP OSs it makes no difference.

Best regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support

Visit the Dolphin Smalltalk Wiki Web

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Re: Release Candidate

Andy Bower
In reply to this post by Ian Bartholomew-3

> > It is our intention to get the final release out for Friday 3rd May.
> Does "for" mean "before"?. I only ask as RC1 expires on the previous
> Wednesday - 1/5/2002 ....

Well, we were hoping in those two days you'll be able to work yourself up
into a frenzy of anticipation (no doubt wondering what user interface
changes we'll be able to introduce next).

Best regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support

Visit the Dolphin Smalltalk Wiki Web

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Re: Release Candidate

Chris Uppal-3
> Well, we were hoping in those two days you'll be able to work yourself up
> into a frenzy of anticipation (no doubt wondering what user interface
> changes we'll be able to introduce next).


    -- chris

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Re: Release Candidate

Andy Bower
In reply to this post by Andy Bower

> > Does "for" mean "before"?. I only ask as RC1 expires on the previous
> > Wednesday - 1/5/2002 ....
> Well, we were hoping in those two days you'll be able to work yourself up
> into a frenzy of anticipation (no doubt wondering what user interface
> changes we'll be able to introduce next).

Just kidding.. we'll keep you up to date with keys as necessary to allow
uninterrupted service.

Best regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support

Visit the Dolphin Smalltalk Wiki Web

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Re: Release Candidate

Ian Bartholomew-3
In reply to this post by Ted Bracht

> There were some very interesting threads in this beta newsgroup with a lot
> of knowledge in them. It would be a shame if these were lost. Would it be
> possible to add them (the non-beta-bug ones) to Ian's archives so that
> become available to DSDN?

I'm quite happy to create an archive version, a 5 second job using my
sophisticated (sarcasm!) archive creation code, however I'm not so sure it
should be publicly available. Apart from the problem of removing the bug
related posts (_not_ a 5 second job) the fact that the group was created
privately might mean that it could contain comments that would not have been
made in a more public medium.


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Re: Release Candidate

Antony Blakey-4
Ian Bartholomew wrote:
> I'm quite happy to create an archive version, a 5 second job using my
> sophisticated (sarcasm!) archive creation code, however I'm not so sure it
> should be publicly available. Apart from the problem of removing the bug
> related posts (_not_ a 5 second job) the fact that the group was created
> privately might mean that it could contain comments that would not have been
> made in a more public medium.

e.g. the activation discussion. I for one would prefer some of my posts
not to go wider.

Antony Blakey
mailto:[hidden email]
Linkuistics Pty Ltd
Adelaide, South Australia

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Re: Release Candidate

Andy Bower
In reply to this post by Ian Bartholomew-3
Ian, Ted

> > There were some very interesting threads in this beta newsgroup with a
> > of knowledge in them. It would be a shame if these were lost. Would it
> > possible to add them (the non-beta-bug ones) to Ian's archives so that
> they
> > become available to DSDN?
> I'm quite happy to create an archive version, a 5 second job using my
> sophisticated (sarcasm!) archive creation code, however I'm not so sure it
> should be publicly available. Apart from the problem of removing the bug
> related posts (_not_ a 5 second job) the fact that the group was created
> privately might mean that it could contain comments that would not have
> made in a more public medium.

I agree with Ian here and therefore I think it would be easiest if the beta
group postings didn't make it into the public archive.

Best regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support

Visit the Dolphin Smalltalk Wiki Web