Reminder What feature would you like to see in Squeak/Etoys/Scratch/OpenCroquet/Seaside/Sophie/...?

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Reminder What feature would you like to see in Squeak/Etoys/Scratch/OpenCroquet/Seaside/Sophie/...?

Markus Gälli-3
Hi folks

as I pointed out earlier I've registered Squeak on

"Can you code 24 hours non-stop? Hackontest is a new Google-sponsored  
24-hour programming competition between different open source  
projects. Its goals are to enhance Free Software projects according  
to user needs and to make visible how enthusiastically open source  
software is being developed. During the current online selection  
process users and developers of open source software may submit  
feature requests and rate and comment them. On August 1st, 2008 the  
Hackontest jury will pick the three most promising teams. Each team  
will receive a free trip to Switzerland on September 24/25, 2008 to  
participate in the competition located in Zurich. Hacking 24 hours  
inside an etoy.CONTAINER, the teams and their virtually present  
communities will implement certain features based on the online  
ratings and jury selection. In the end, the Hackontest jury evaluates  
the code and awards the winners with a total of USD 8500. The jury is  
made up of 10 renowned open source contributors: Jeremy Alison  
(Samba), Jono Bacon (Ubuntu), Brian W. Fitzpatrick (Subversion),  
Martin F. Krafft (Debian), Alexander Limi (Plone), Federico Mena-
Quintero (GNOME), Bram Moolenaar (vim), Bruce Perens (OSI founder),  
Lukas K. Smith (PHP) and Harald Welte ("

For a more detailed description what hackontest is about see the  
"word from the sponsor" at 

It is absolutely ok to register the requests you yourself would like  
to work on.

So please feel very free to
- register on (make sure to press the submit/
login buttons, simple enter did not work for me),
- add you favorite project to Squeak
- and start rating.

I think having some feature requests there would also help us to  
advertise for "All things Squeak" in general.



p.s. We definitely should have some Etoy related project, as the  
event will be hosted by the art group called :-)

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