Rendevouz (Apple) lib?

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Rendevouz (Apple) lib?

Jerome Chan
Is there a goodie that allows Dolphin apps to use Rendevouz to locate
one another?

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Re: Rendevouz (Apple) lib?

Udo Schneider
This kind of goodie isn't so easy to implement using Windows (and
Dolphin in particular).

Rendevouz (or officially ZeroConf -- is
using a kind of multicast DNS to locate services. Creating UDP packets
with an multicast desttination address is easy. But to send them with
a multicast IP and to recieve multicast packets is another story
(this is not DST specific).

Another "problem" would be to determine the link-local address to use.

The "easiest" way would be to wrap a C lib that is doing the whole
lowlevel stuff. Unfortunately I'm not aware of such a lib.



Jerome Chan wrote:
> Is there a goodie that allows Dolphin apps to use Rendevouz to locate
> one another?