Report of open and closed issues

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Report of open and closed issues

Steve Alan Waring
Hi Andy and Blair,

Is there a report of both open and closed issues for D6?

I submitted an issue  ... but I just came across a message in this newsgroup
reporting the same issue. Before I submitted, I did search the  "Current
Beta Outstanding Issues " page, but nothing turned up ... I suppose that the
issue has been closed which is why I didn't find it.

It would be handy to search a single page to determine if something has
already been reported to you.

Steve Waring
[hidden email]

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Re: Report of open and closed issues

Andy Bower-3

> Is there a report of both open and closed issues for D6?

There isn't a combined report of bugs outstanding and bugs fixed but
you can find the fixed ones on the Release Notes page, even before the
release has happened. So if you take a look at:

and check the "Fix Version" = 6.0 beta 2 then you should see the
reports that have been dealt with since beta 1.

Best regards

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support