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Does anyone do any reporting/printing with Dolphin ?  I was wondering
how you do it or what tools you use (e.g. CrystalReport).

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Re: Reporting

Bill Schwab-2
> Does anyone do any reporting/printing with Dolphin ?  I was wondering
> how you do it or what tools you use (e.g. CrystalReport).

For end users, most reports occur via a web system, so I simply generate a
little (or a lot<g>) more HTML that would otherwise be needed.  I do some
"write a file, then open a browser on same" reporting for a development tool
or two.  For printing, I use PrinterCanvas and query its #resolution to draw
in the default (MM_TEXT) mapping mode.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Reporting

Jeffrey Odell-2
You can take this one step further: in another Smalltalk, I've used the
Internet Explorer COM component, grabbed the DHTML Document COM object, and
used the write method to write HTML directly into the browser.  You can put
the IE COM component right in your application and it is pretty seamless.
See the Internet Browser example in Dolphin for an example of how to do it
in DS.


"Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:ad88a1$v1d5b$[hidden email]...
> > Does anyone do any reporting/printing with Dolphin ?  I was wondering
> > how you do it or what tools you use (e.g. CrystalReport).
> For end users, most reports occur via a web system, so I simply generate a
> little (or a lot<g>) more HTML that would otherwise be needed.  I do some
> "write a file, then open a browser on same" reporting for a development
> or two.  For printing, I use PrinterCanvas and query its #resolution to

> in the default (MM_TEXT) mapping mode.
> Have a good one,
> Bill
> --
> Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
> [hidden email]