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Vincent Lesbros-2

When 1 select a package in the browser, then tab "Properties" and item "summary"
I can read : 

psql_public_cst_2007 (+3 changes)

What is the meaning ? 
I never put my pachakge in any repository, and I have done more than 3 changes since I create the package.

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Re: Repositories

Niall Ross
Dear Vincent,

>When 1 select a package in the browser, then tab "Properties" and item
>I can read :
>psql_public_cst_2007 (+3 changes)
>What is the meaning ?
>I never put my pachage in any repository,
>... since I create the package.
If you created the package from nothing, did not rename or modify a
parcel nor publish it as a parcel, and never reconciled it to the OR,
then it's not legitimate that you can see psql_public_cst_2007 in your
repositories list when only that package is selected in the RB
(multiple-selection could show a properties tab other than the one you
think).  In that case, the only explanation I can think of would be
actually hacking into the Store registry in the image to set the state.

    - your package derives from a parcel you loaded
    - that parcel was published from a package loaded from the OR
    - that parcel was published with 'keep db links' option
then you would see
because that is the id of the Cincom Open Repository (since 2007;  for a
very old such parcel you might see psql_public_cst IIRC).  This shows
how a package could appear reconciled to the OR even though you had
never yourself reconciled it to the OR.

>and I have done more than 3
The +3 changes implies that a total of 3 methods, class definitions
and/or package properties differ from the OR state.

    - If the package is from a parcel, then you made more than 3 changes
but they were to the same items or reverted.

    - If some really strange under the covers / unintended thing set the
state (e.g. inspecting registry items and a swift mouse move/select
overlap accidentally drag-dropping in a way that changed what you
thought you were only inspecting) then 3 changes might have been made
since that happened.

                Niall Ross

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