RichText formation/attributes

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RichText formation/attributes

Can someone explain how to create a colored RTF string, without building it
at the lowest possible level (appending braces,'ansi' designators, RGB
values, etc)?  I'm looking for a practical protocol for converting a String
to a Text (now RichText) and coloring and emboldening it.  Something like

'abc' asRichText color: Color red; emboldened

would be nice.  I feel like I've missed something.


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Re: RichText formation/attributes

Ian Bartholomew-19
Shaping wrote:
> Can someone explain how to create a colored RTF string, without building it
> at the lowest possible level (appending braces,'ansi' designators, RGB
> values, etc)?  I'm looking for a practical protocol for converting a String
> to a Text (now RichText) and coloring and emboldening it.  Something like
> 'abc' asRichText color: Color red; emboldened
> would be nice.  I feel like I've missed something.

Have a look at the RichTextEdit class.  It's not particularly user
friendly though.

r := RichTextEdit new parentView: View desktop; create; yourself.
"set defaults _if needed_"
r font: (Font name: 'Arial' pointSize: 12).
r forecolor: Color green.
r beNonBold.
r beNonItalic.
r plainText: 'Hello to the world'.
"select and change"
r selectionRange: (7 to: 12).
r selectionColor: Color red.
r selectionRange: (14 to: 18).
r beItalic.
r selectionRange: (1 to: 5).
r beBold.
r selectionRange: (-1 to: -1).
r beNonItalic.
r selectionFont: (Font name: 'Arial' pointSize: 16).
r selectionPlainText: '
and to the rest of the Universe'.

"to see the RichText evaluate"
r rtfText

"to display it evaluate"
r show

"then hide it with"
r close


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