RichTextEdit readRtfFrom: truncation problem...

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RichTextEdit readRtfFrom: truncation problem...

Christopher J. Demers
I have been using Ian's RTF print goodie (Thanks Ian!).  However I have
recently been debugging an RTF truncation problem.  I believe I have tracked
it down to a problem using readRtfFrom: on a created but invisible
RichTextEdit.  Is this a Dolphin bug, MS bug, or a "feature"?  The code
bellow illustrates the issue.  I am running Windows XP SP1.

"Make a big test file."
testStream := FileStream write: 'C:\ReallyBigRTFTest.rtf' text: true.
testStream nextPutAll: '{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0
Microsoft Sans Serif;}}
{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\lang1033\f0\fs16 '.
50000 timesRepeat: [testStream nextPutAll: 'test'].
testStream nextPutAll: 'End \par }'.
testStream close.

"Open the test file. This works fine."
testStream := FileStream read: 'C:\ReallyBigRTFTest.rtf' text: true.
rte := RichTextEdit show.
rte readRtfFrom: testStream.
rtfSize := rte rtfText size. 200172

"Now pass the RTF to another control. This works fine."
readWriteStream := ReadWriteStream on: (String new).
rte printRtfOn: readWriteStream.
readWriteStream reset.
readWriteStream contents size = rtfSize ifFalse: [self error: 'Wrong
readWriteStream reset.

"Now read it into an invisible RTE. This truncates the text with no
(rte2 := RichTextEdit new)
parentView: View desktop;
readRtfFrom: readWriteStream;
rte2 rtfText size = rtfSize ifFalse: [self error: 'Wrong size'].

"Now read it into a visible RTE. This works fine."
readWriteStream reset.
rte2 := RichTextEdit show.
rte2 readRtfFrom: readWriteStream.
rte2 rtfText size = rtfSize ifFalse: [self error: 'Wrong sizes'].



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Re: RichTextEdit readRtfFrom: truncation problem...

Ian Bartholomew-19

> I have been using Ian's RTF print goodie (Thanks Ian!).

Just FYI - I did start rewriting and refactoring all my RichEdit stuff but
I'm afraid RealLife (tm) intervened and I can't see me getting back to it
any time soon.

> However I
> have recently been debugging an RTF truncation problem.  I believe I
> have tracked it down to a problem using readRtfFrom: on a created but
> invisible RichTextEdit.  Is this a Dolphin bug, MS bug, or a
> "feature"?  The code bellow illustrates the issue.  I am running
> Windows XP SP1.

It's because you've exceeded the default text limit for the RTE.  I seem to
recall that Windows can automagically adjust visible RTEs but invisible ones
just truncate.  Change the problem section as below and you should be OK.

(rte2 := RichTextEdit new)
parentView: View desktop;
textLimit: 500000; "********"
readRtfFrom: readWriteStream;
rte2 rtfText size = rtfSize ifFalse: [self error: 'Wrong size'].


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Re: RichTextEdit readRtfFrom: truncation problem...

Christopher J. Demers
"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:413f6e35$0$93535$[hidden email]...
> Chris,
> > I have been using Ian's RTF print goodie (Thanks Ian!).
> Just FYI - I did start rewriting and refactoring all my RichEdit stuff but
> I'm afraid RealLife (tm) intervened and I can't see me getting back to it
> any time soon.

No problem, I totally understand.  I just started using the packages you
posted here for testing a while ago, with the changes we discussed for page
handling.  So far it seems like it works well.  I really appreciate your

> It's because you've exceeded the default text limit for the RTE.  I seem
> recall that Windows can automagically adjust visible RTEs but invisible
> just truncate.  Change the problem section as below and you should be OK.

That works perfectly.  That was one of the first things I checked too.
Apparently I did not check the right value at the right time on the right
object. ;)  Thanks for the help.
