Roassal Tip #6: How to animate elements and layout?

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Roassal Tip #6: How to animate elements and layout?

Layout may be applied at each refresh using the class RTLayoutAnimation. This is useful when elements have varying size.

| v es resizeAnimation shape normalizer |
v := RTView new.
normalizer := RTMultiLinearColor new.
shape := RTBox new size: ‪#‎yourself‬; color: [ :value | (normalizer level: (value / 100)) alpha: 0.4 ].
es := shape elementsOn: (1 to: 100 by: 10).
v addAll: es.
v canvas addMenu: 'Press me!' callback: [
es do: [ :e |
resizeAnimation :=
RTResizeMove new
toExtent: (100 - e model) @ (100 - e model) on: e.
e model: (100 - e model).
v addAnimation: resizeAnimation ] ].
v addAnimation: (RTLayoutAnimation new elements: es; yourself).
v open

Animation on:

Alexandre Bergel

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