Roassal: changing edge size

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Roassal: changing edge size

Hi all,

I am playing with highlighting edges (par of an arrow shape) by expanding their width, but I have found that when un-highlighting by contracting their width nothing happens. I have the code below:

lastview is the view,
edge is the compound shape of the edge and the arrowhead,
highedge is the highlighted edge, if any.

highlightEdge: aName
        edge := lastview edgeFromModel: aName.
        edge isNil ifFalse: [
                highedge isNil ifFalse: [
                        highedge shape shape1 width: 1.
                        highedge update.].
                highedge := edge.
                edge shape shape1 width: 3.
                edge update.
                lastview signalUpdate.]

With this code, thickened edges (width: 3) stay thick, even when made thin (width: 1). I suppose this is a bug. If not, how can I get the behavior that I want?

Thanks in advance,

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Johan Fabry   -
PLEIAD lab  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile

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