Roassal nested edges

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Roassal nested edges

Ben Coman
Just interested in learning more about the internals of Roassal. I see
this comment in ROElement>>positionRelativeTo: anElement
    "Return the position of myself against the position of one of my
parent, anElement. The returned position is relative to it."
    "This method is useful to draw edges that are nested"

How do nested edges fit into the architecture ?
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Re: Roassal nested edges

In Roassal all positions are relative to their parent. This is a difference with Mondrian where everything was drawn using the absolute position.
ROElement defines the method absolutePosition, but this method is solely used by the tests.

you get nested edge when you have the mondrian script:
view node: 'foo' forIt: [
  view nodes: #(1 2).
  view edgeFromAssociation: 1 -> 2.

Most of the senders of positionRelativeTo: happen to be the startingPointOf: and endingPointOf: of the attach point. For example,

 ROCenteredAttachPoint>>startingPointOf: anEdge
        ^ (anEdge from positionRelativeTo: anEdge parent) + (anEdge from extent / 2) asIntegerPoint

Attach points tells what exactly the extremities of an edge should be.


On Aug 3, 2012, at 10:49 PM, Ben Coman <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Just interested in learning more about the internals of Roassal. I see this comment in ROElement>>positionRelativeTo: anElement
>   "Return the position of myself against the position of one of my parent, anElement. The returned position is relative to it."
>   "This method is useful to draw edges that are nested"
> How do nested edges fit into the architecture ?
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Alexandre Bergel

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