RubShoutStylerDecorator doesnotunderstand: #move:for:controller:

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RubShoutStylerDecorator doesnotunderstand: #move:for:controller:

Jeff Gray
Hi all,
I was debugging my seaside application yesterday. I saved and closed the
image. Then when I opened Pharo tonight I got the RubShoutStylerDecorator

If I close the error window another one immediately pops up. Any idea what I
can do?

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Re: RubShoutStylerDecorator doesnotunderstand: #move:for:controller:

Jeff Gray
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Re: RubShoutStylerDecorator doesnotunderstand: #move:for:controller:

Jeff Gray
I've fixed it. Looks like a lot of the code, but not all, had been
auto-formatted. I didn't consciously do it, but I may have fallen asleep
while coding and mashed some keys.
I'm getting up early (4am) so coming home on the train at 6:00pm is pretty
sketchy :-)
I pulled the code into a new image from the changes file, which fortunately
did not include the formatting, so could copy back the original code into my
broken image.
Once complete everything works again.

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