Hello all,
I am making some scary changes and want to focus my test running more
than is practical/easy/etc. with the usual tools, at least AFAIK. I
could delete lots of stuff from an SUnitBrowser, but I'll close it
shortly after getting it right :( My Acme browser goodie will open an
SUnitBrowser on (reasonably??) appropriate subsets of tests, but even
that is too course for what I doing right now.
Hence the code below. Comments?
Have a good one,
!TestCase class methodsFor!
"Run the test; do nothing if ok or go to a walkback."
( self selector:aSymbol ) runCase.
! !
!TestCase class categoriesFor: #prod:!public! !
!TestCase class methodsFor!
| testCase allTests |
TestCase runTestsReferencing:#something.
allTests := Array writeStream.
self withAllSubclassesDo:[ :aClass |
allTests nextPutAll:(
aClass allTestSelectors collect:[ :each |
aClass -> each
] ).
allTests := allTests contents select:[ :assoc | | aClass selector method |
aClass := assoc key.
selector := assoc value.
method := aClass compiledMethodAt:selector.
method refersToLiteral:aSelector.
allTests do:[ :assoc |
assoc key prod:assoc value.
! !
!TestCase class categoriesFor: #runTestsReferecing:!public! !
Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]