On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 6:19 AM, Dimitris Chloupis
[hidden email]> wrote:
> I recently got an ipad mini and I was wondering if its possible to install
> pharo in it . Is it ? Anyone done this ? Do I need to jailbrake my iPad ?
> I also read that is now possible to install apps to iOS devices via XCODE,
> anyone tried that ?
Interesting. I hadn't hear that but for anyone interested...
http://www.zdnet.com/article/with-xcode-7-you-can-freely-bypass-the-app-store-for-ios-apps/I found some Howtos...
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30884950/xcode7-beta-no-provisioning-is-it-right/30885089#30885089btw there seems a catch for anyone previous enrolled in Safari
Developer Program [1].
So each user needs to compile the VM themselves. Perhaps still very
useful if we can provide a reliable recipe.
btw, I also discover a possible alternative [2] that uses:
* MacBuildServer [3] (an IOS continuous integration and distribution
service for open source app)
* iOS Developer Enterprise Program (designed to allow companies to
develop in-house apps for use within their organization, without
publishing them on the App Store.)
http://try.macbuildserver.com/cheers -ben
P.S. I'm not sure how iReSign might fit in the picture, but it looked
interesting so I append it here so I know where to find it later...