In response to some questions by Norbert Hartl I committed some experimental changes to 'Zinc-Seaside' to make it possible to run ZnZincServerAdaptor outside WAServerManager through an explicitly created and installed ZnSeasideServerAdaptorDelegate. I managed to do this without changing the architecture and thus reusing existing code.
The normal flow is to do something like
ZnZincServerAdaptor startOn: 8080
This will instanciate a ZnZincServerAdaptor under control of WAServerManager. Upon start a ZnServer will be created automatically, containing a single ZnSeasideServerAdaptorDelegate that forwards the native <--> seaside conversions to the ZnZincServerAdaptor instance. As this is a #register-ed adaptor, WAServerManager will stop/start it automatically on image save/startup.
Some people want more control to let their ZnServer do more work, not just do Seaside serving. What is needed is a way to threat ZnSeasideServerAdaptorDelegate like any other Zn delegate, allowing it to be arbitrarily composed with other delegates.
In the latest version of the code, the following is now possible:
ZnServer startDefaultOn: 1701.
ZnSeasideServerAdaptorDelegate installInDefaultServer.
The result of this is that the Zn server runs on port 1701, handling all the standard Zn responses (/welcome, /help, ..), and that additionally, Seaside runs under /seaside.
The main code code doing this is
ZnSeasideServerAdaptorDelegate class>>#installInServer: znServer underPrefix: prefix
"Install a ZnSeasideServerAdaptorDelegate in znServer under prefix,
provided znServer contains a ZnDefaultServerDelegate instance as primary delegate.
Note that the incoming request is destructively modified.
Note that a global #serverPath is added to the default Seaside dispatcher."
| seasideDelegate |
seasideDelegate := self forServer: znServer.
znServer delegate
map: 'seaside'
to: [ :request |
request uri removeFirstPathSegment.
seasideDelegate handleRequest: request ].
WAAdmin defaultDispatcher serverPath: prefix.
^ seasideDelegate
No #start of the adaptor is needed (since it is used inside am already running server). The adaptor is also #unregister-ed (in #forServer:) to prevent WAServerManager from seeing it or doing anything.
I am not a Seaside expert, but as far as I could see, everything works as expected. Remarks ?
Using this technique, more complicated setups with static file serving, redirects, etc.. should be possible.
Sven Van Caekenberghe
http://stfx.euSmalltalk is the Red Pill
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