At 04:07 PM 2/14/2008, Andre Schnoor wrote:
Alan Knight wrote: Yes, that would be good, and has been on the agenda for some time, but not had the resources to get done. However, you can fake that up in a number of ways. What we do internally is version the build scripts as files associated with a known bundle. Yep. My plan is to move away from using Store in the build script. Step 1 would be to load from Store and create and save the parcel files. I've got a ParcelBuilder that can save the whole product as a single parcel. Step 2 would load this parcel in the way you describe. Step 3 would then seal the image and strip a few critical things (command line, compiler, etc). Yes, I definitely wouldn't want to be using Store load into a runtime image, and then have to get rid of Store and associated code. In 7.6, some of that functionality, notably the exception handling and logging, has been removed from runtime packager and put into the base image.That's a very good move. Thanks. --
Alan Knight [|], Cincom Smalltalk Development
In reply to this post by Andre Schnoor
Just to be
contrarian: we've been doing that for several years with automated scripts,
using RTP to strip. It works well for us, and over the years unloading Store and
PDP has become easier.
On a
historical note, we never could get that to work well with Envy, even though it
had a single "unload Envy" command. There we had to automate saving all
applications to .st files, then automate filing them all in to a standard
VisualWorks image.
In reply to this post by Andre Schnoor
Here's an update on what I found out so far (incl. a bugfix for the
message tracer): I compared my application versions (pre and post crash) manually and package-wise, but could not find any suspicious changes. I guessed some butterfly effect must have happened, i.e. a random change in the order of methods being processed by the tracer may have caused some of them to slip through. The tracer works in an iterative, multi-stage fashion ("repeat until no more new classes or selectors are found"), which makes it likely sensitive to sequence issues. My observation was that all accidentally stripped methods (6 in my case) were 1) only referenced once in the image 2) referenced by the #initialize method of some other class 3) absolutely vital for running /any/ runtime image Point 3 made me believe there must be a bug in the tracer and/or the assumption of initially referenced start items was wrong. Further experimentation showed that almost every stripping problem was related somehow to #initialize. What is so special about #initialize? This method is 1) implemented in almost every class 2) probably the one most frequently sent to super I suspected super implementations to generally slip the tracer under certain circumstances. The tracer uses a set of symbols to keep track of methods already visited. This had that special smell :-) My vague guess was: Even if I don't yet fully understand how the tracer works, this may cause superclass or subclass implementations of the same selector to be not considered for #traceMethod: where they should. I tried a patch that keeps track of visited methods directly. All the stripping issues were instantly gone 8-) Here's my fix: 1) Add an instvar 'tracedMethods' to RuntimeBuilderMessageTracer 2) Initialize it with an empty IdentitySet. 3) Edit the methods #traceSelector: and #traceMethod: as stated below. In addition to the fix, one must ensure Subsystem withAllSubclasses is kept by default (except DevelopmentSystem), otherwise vital code for runtime startup will be crippled. I just added them to my kept classes, but there should be a more appropriate place to code this permanently for all projects. I would love to see everyone who experienced stripping issues (James?) try out the fix and see if it works for them. Actually the tracer is a well crafted piece of code after all and it shouldn't be abandoned just because it had issues. Enjoy! Andre BTW: I have no idea how the tracer could have ever worked before and what particular change in my code made it fail. This is probably one of the software engineering misteries this Murphy guy talked about. -- Here are the patched methods: #initialize ... "Add this initializer:" tracedMethods := IdentitySet new. #traceMethod: aMethod "Add this guard clause:" (tracedMethods includes: aMethod) ifTrue:[ ^self ]. tracedMethods add: aMethod. ... (keep everything else) ... #traceSelector: | methods | sentSelectors add: aSelector. methods := invertedSelectors at: aSelector ifAbsent: [ ^self "not a selector" ]. methods do: [ :mth | " do not trace methods twice" (tracedMethods includes: mth) ifFalse:[ " see if the class is being kept so far " ( referencedClasses includes: ( mth mclass isMeta ifTrue: [ mth mclass soleInstance ] ifFalse: [ mth mclass ] ) ) ifTrue: [ " make sure this method is not deleted " ( ( items deletedMethods includesKey: mth mclass ) and: [ ( items deletedMethods at: mth mclass ) includes: aSelector ] ) ifFalse: [ " ok - trace the individual method " self traceMethod: mth ] ] ] ]. _______________________________________________ vwnc mailing list [hidden email] |
Thanks. I've created AR 53941. However, I'm curious what
version you're using. Subsystem and its subclasses have been
automatically kept by default since version 7.4.1, so I wonder why they
would be missing for you.
At 12:47 PM 2/22/2008, Andre Schnoor wrote: Here's an update on what I found out so far (incl. a bugfix for the message tracer): --
Alan Knight [|], Cincom Smalltalk Development
_______________________________________________ vwnc mailing list [hidden email] |
In reply to this post by Andre Schnoor
Alan Knight wrote:
Thanks. I've created AR 53941. However, I'm curious what version you're using. Subsystem and its subclasses have been automatically kept by default since version 7.4.1, so I wonder why they would be missing for you. Including these classes explicitly was my first attempt to solve the issue and it led to some progress (albeit not a solution). After generally fixing the tracer, this might no longer be necessary. I must note that, by "including" a class in my custom build system, also all of its methods are kept. This is probably why I saw some progress in the beginning. Andre _______________________________________________ vwnc mailing list [hidden email] |
In reply to this post by Andre Schnoor
Thanks. I've created AR 53941. However, I'm curious what version you're using. Subsystem and its subclasses have been automatically kept by default since version 7.4.1, so I wonder why they would be missing for you. After testing this, I can confirm you are right: These classes are included anyway. Before applying the patch, some methods slipped the tracer, because of its bug. They were reached exclusively from subsystems (e.g. DelaySystem), which led me to the false assumtpion not all of them were included correctly. After the fix, this no longer happens. BTW: It might make sense to nil the instvar tracedMethods after the scan completed. They likely introduce cylic links that prevent the huge sets from being GCed. I haven't tested this, though, but it shouldn't harm. Andre _______________________________________________ vwnc mailing list [hidden email] |
In reply to this post by Steven Kelly
my package StoreUnloading in the OR may interest you. If your Store-less image has no Undeclareds, it should still have none when Store has been loaded and unloaded again. You will want to tweak exemptions / additions in the #unloadStore method to suit your app. (The package also contains a few unloading-related fixes to Store methods and locations which I recommended become part of the base in 7.6 but which had not been added to it when last I looked in early Jan. See email quoted below.) HTH Yours faithfully Niall Ross
-------- Original Message --------
Thanks Niall. This sounds very nice. At 02:26 PM 10/9/2007, Niall Ross wrote: Dear Sames et al, --
Alan Knight [|], Cincom Smalltalk Development
_______________________________________________ vwnc mailing list [hidden email] |
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