SB newClass

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SB newClass

Steve Alan Waring
Hi Blair,

A couple of notes for RC1:

In a System browser with multiple packages selected, the #newClass command
gives a UndefinedObject dnu
#aClass. Getting rid of the erroneous "package" seemed to fix it.

When the Package Browser Prerequistes pane #toggleStatusIcon is in "noIcons"
mode, the getImageBlock is still being evaluated. For most packages this is
still fast enough, but I do have a couple of packages that take over 20
seconds to determine #hasCyclicPrerequistes.

I modified PackagePrerequisites>>toggleStatusIcons to toggle both the
viewMode and the getImageBlock: between nil and the existing block. It made
the "noIcons" mode much faster.

The Flipper refresh toolbar button is not flat on the toolbar.


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Re: SB newClass

Blair McGlashan
"Steve Waring" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> Hi Blair,
> A couple of notes for RC1:
> In a System browser with multiple packages selected, the #newClass command
> gives a UndefinedObject dnu
> #aClass. Getting rid of the erroneous "package" seemed to fix it.

Thanks Steve, that is the correct fix for #874.

> When the Package Browser Prerequistes pane #toggleStatusIcon is in
> mode, the getImageBlock is still being evaluated. For most packages this
> still fast enough, but I do have a couple of packages that take over 20
> seconds to determine #hasCyclicPrerequistes.

Interesting, I did wonder why Ian reported that he didn't notice any
difference between the speed with the icons on vs off! Its a bug in the
TreeView class, and is #875.

> The Flipper refresh toolbar button is not flat on the toolbar.

I'd spotted that too (#876), but not until I ran it up on my 2k laptop just
now because under XP the flat style makes no difference.

