I'm trying to send an email with SMTPClient.
It always stop with timeout here (Data receive timed out):
waitForDataFor: timeout
"Wait for the given nr of seconds for data to arrive.
Signal a time out or connection close exception if either happens before data becomes available."
waitForDataFor: timeout
ifClosed: [ConnectionClosed signal: 'Connection closed while waiting for data.']
ifTimedOut: [ConnectionTimedOut signal: 'Data receive timed out.']
Test code from the Playground is at the end.
The server is Exchange. I've tested with bare hand telnet connection, it works well. I was able to create email through telnet and send it.
But the SMTPClient in pharo always runs to timeout.
last message in SMTPClient ( firstLine := self stream nextLine. I saw in debugger)
"The FTP and similar protocols allow multi-line responses.
If the response is multi-line, the fourth character of the first line is a
$- and the last line repeats the numeric code but the code is followed by
a space."
| response result firstLine |
result := '' writeStream.
firstLine := self stream nextLine.
Last response from server: (lastResponse instance variable):
354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF> (copied from debugger)
This is why I forced CRLF... at the end of the message....
It seems to wait a response after sending the data....
Is there any idea what else to check?
Thanks: Robert
------------------------------------ Playground code (yes, port 26)