SMTPClient issue

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SMTPClient issue

Daniel Klein
I can't seem to get:
SMTPClient example
to work.
I changed the 'deliverMailFrom:', 'to:' and 'usingServer:' arguments to valid entries but I keep getting a 'TelnetProtocolError'.
Could someone else please test this out cos I think it's broken. Please prove me wrong ;-)
I'm using:
Latest update: #11414
on Windows XP Pro SP3.
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Re: SMTPClient issue

Adrian Lienhard
It works for me... I changed the from, to, and the smtp server.

What does the error say? Maybe your smpt server requires you to authenticate?


On Nov 29, 2010, at 01:28 , Daniel Klein wrote:

> I can't seem to get:
> SMTPClient example
> to work.
> I changed the 'deliverMailFrom:', 'to:' and 'usingServer:' arguments to
> valid entries but I keep getting a 'TelnetProtocolError'.
> Could someone else please test this out cos I think it's broken. Please
> prove me wrong ;-)
> I'm using:
> Pharo-1.1.1--
> Latest update: #11414
> on Windows XP Pro SP3.
> Dan

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Re: SMTPClient issue

Daniel Klein
Yes, my smtp server requires authentication, but I see nothing in Pharo that
allows me to enter a password like it does for
"POP3Client example".


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Adrian
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 4:54
To: A friendly place where any question about pharo is welcome
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] SMTPClient issue

It works for me... I changed the from, to, and the smtp server.

What does the error say? Maybe your smpt server requires you to


On Nov 29, 2010, at 01:28 , Daniel Klein wrote:

> I can't seem to get:
> SMTPClient example
> to work.
> I changed the 'deliverMailFrom:', 'to:' and 'usingServer:' arguments to
> valid entries but I keep getting a 'TelnetProtocolError'.
> Could someone else please test this out cos I think it's broken. Please
> prove me wrong ;-)
> I'm using:
> Pharo-1.1.1--
> Latest update: #11414
> on Windows XP Pro SP3.
> Dan

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Re: SMTPClient issue

Adrian Lienhard
Hi Dan,

Authentication seems supported. You can send messages #user: and #password: to a SMTPClient instance. The methods are defined in the indirect superclass ProtocolClient.

Something along the lines of

smtpClient := SMPTClient openOnHostNamed: serverName.
smtpClient user: 'login'; password: 'secret'.
[ smtpClient initiateSession.
        smtpClient mailFrom: fromAddress to: recipientList text: messageText.
        smtpClient quit
] ensure: [smtpClient close]

should work (not tested).


BTW, when you manage to make it work and would like to help a bit, please write a short instruction that we can put into the class SMTPClient or the help system so that others have a faster start.

On Nov 29, 2010, at 12:35 , Daniel Klein wrote:

> Yes, my smtp server requires authentication, but I see nothing in Pharo that
> allows me to enter a password like it does for
> "POP3Client example".
> Dan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email]
> [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Adrian
> Lienhard
> Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 4:54
> To: A friendly place where any question about pharo is welcome
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] SMTPClient issue
> It works for me... I changed the from, to, and the smtp server.
> What does the error say? Maybe your smpt server requires you to
> authenticate?
> Cheers,
> Adrian
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 01:28 , Daniel Klein wrote:
>> I can't seem to get:
>> SMTPClient example
>> to work.
>> I changed the 'deliverMailFrom:', 'to:' and 'usingServer:' arguments to
>> valid entries but I keep getting a 'TelnetProtocolError'.
>> Could someone else please test this out cos I think it's broken. Please
>> prove me wrong ;-)
>> I'm using:
>> Pharo-1.1.1--
>> Latest update: #11414
>> on Windows XP Pro SP3.
>> Dan

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Re: SMTPClient issue

Daniel Klein
I'd be happy to write up instructions for the class, but I have not been
able to get it working at all. And I've spent a considerable amount of time
on it. The main requirement I have, different from SMTPClient
class>>example, is that my smtp server requires authentication.

Here is my best attempt based on Adrian's code below (the names have been
changed to protect the innocent ;-) ...

| smtpClient serverName login password messageText fromAddress recipientList
serverName := ''.
login := 'login'.
password := 'password'.
messageText :=
'From: [hidden email]
To: "[hidden email]"
Subject: this is a test

Hello from Pharo!'.

fromAddress := '[hidden email]'.
recipientList := #('[hidden email]').
smtpClient := SMTPClient openOnHostNamed: serverName.
smtpClient user: login.
smtpClient password: password.
[smtpClient initiateSession.
smtpClient mailFrom: fromAddress to: recipientList text: messageText.
smtpClient quit.
] ensure: [smtpClient close]

When I run this code, I get a 'TelnetProtocolError'.

I even tried changing SMPTClient>>deliverMailFrom: by adding in the 'user:'
and 'password:' methods, and then re-testing 'SMTPClient example'...

deliverMailFrom: fromAddress to: recipientList text: messageText
usingServer: serverName
        | smtpClient |
        smtpClient := self openOnHostNamed: serverName.
        smtpClient user: 'login'.  "Added this and the next line with valid
        smtpClient password: 'password'.
        [smtpClient initiateSession.
        smtpClient mailFrom: fromAddress to: recipientList text:
        smtpClient quit]
        ensure: [smtpClient close]

but I get the same error.

Just for kicks, and to prove my credentials are correct, I put together this
script in Python, using the same credentials, and I get a successful email

import sys, smtplib, time
mailserver = ''
From = '[hidden email]'
To = '[hidden email]'
Subj = 'test message'
date = time.ctime(time.time())
text = ('From: %s\nTo: %s\nDate: %s\nSubject: %s\n\n' % (From, To, date,
text = text + 'this is a one line message from python'
print 'Connecting...'
server = smtplib.SMTP(mailserver)
server.sendmail(From, To, text)

So there is either a bug in the authentication aspect in Pharo or (more
likely) I'm missing something.

There are a very limited number of methods in then SMTPClient inheritance
tree that can be used for this, and I've tried a bunch of combinations.

Can anyone out there in Pharo-land test SMTPClient against a server that
requires authentication? I'd really like to be able to send notifications
via email. I've certainly put in my best effort to get it working.


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Adrian
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 15:46
To: A friendly place where any question about pharo is welcome
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] SMTPClient issue

Hi Dan,

Authentication seems supported. You can send messages #user: and #password:
to a SMTPClient instance. The methods are defined in the indirect superclass

Something along the lines of

smtpClient := SMPTClient openOnHostNamed: serverName.
smtpClient user: 'login'; password: 'secret'.
[ smtpClient initiateSession.
        smtpClient mailFrom: fromAddress to: recipientList text:
        smtpClient quit
] ensure: [smtpClient close]

should work (not tested).


BTW, when you manage to make it work and would like to help a bit, please
write a short instruction that we can put into the class SMTPClient or the
help system so that others have a faster start.

On Nov 29, 2010, at 12:35 , Daniel Klein wrote:

> Yes, my smtp server requires authentication, but I see nothing in Pharo

> allows me to enter a password like it does for
> "POP3Client example".
> Dan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email]
> [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Adrian
> Lienhard
> Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 4:54
> To: A friendly place where any question about pharo is welcome
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] SMTPClient issue
> It works for me... I changed the from, to, and the smtp server.
> What does the error say? Maybe your smpt server requires you to
> authenticate?
> Cheers,
> Adrian
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 01:28 , Daniel Klein wrote:
>> I can't seem to get:
>> SMTPClient example
>> to work.
>> I changed the 'deliverMailFrom:', 'to:' and 'usingServer:' arguments to
>> valid entries but I keep getting a 'TelnetProtocolError'.
>> Could someone else please test this out cos I think it's broken. Please
>> prove me wrong ;-)
>> I'm using:
>> Pharo-1.1.1--
>> Latest update: #11414
>> on Windows XP Pro SP3.
>> Dan

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Re: SMTPClient issue

Maybe this will help: I have successfully used Seaside's
WAEmailMessage>>send. Here's what is does -- looks like
username/password is supported. Here's the code it executes:

seasideDeliverEmailMessage: aWAEmailMessage

        | client server serverAddress |
        client := SMTPClient new.
        "user login information if applicable"
        self seasideSmtpUsername ifNotNilDo: [ :username |
                client user: username.
                self seasideSmtpPassword ifNotNilDo: [ :password |
                        client password: password ] ].
        "use HELO/EHLO ip address format [] if local host name is ip"
        (self isIpAddress: client localHostName)
                ifTrue: [ client localHostName: '[', client localHostName, ']' ].

        "deliver the mail"
        server := self seasideSmtpServer.
        serverAddress := (self isIpAddress: server)
                ifTrue: [ server ]
                ifFalse: [ NetNameResolver addressForName: server ].
        client openOnHost: serverAddress port: self seasideSmtpPort.
                mailFrom: aWAEmailMessage from greaseString
                to: aWAEmailMessage recipientsAddresses
                text: aWAEmailMessage plainMessage.
        client quit ]
                ensure: [ client close ]

On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 5:32 PM, Daniel Klein <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I'd be happy to write up instructions for the class, but I have not been
> able to get it working at all. And I've spent a considerable amount of time
> on it. The main requirement I have, different from SMTPClient
> class>>example, is that my smtp server requires authentication.
> Here is my best attempt based on Adrian's code below (the names have been
> changed to protect the innocent ;-) ...
> | smtpClient serverName login password messageText fromAddress recipientList
> |
> serverName := ''.
> login := 'login'.
> password := 'password'.
> messageText :=
> 'From: [hidden email]
> To: "[hidden email]"
> Subject: this is a test
> Hello from Pharo!'.
> fromAddress := '[hidden email]'.
> recipientList := #('[hidden email]').
> smtpClient := SMTPClient openOnHostNamed: serverName.
> smtpClient user: login.
> smtpClient password: password.
> [smtpClient initiateSession.
> smtpClient mailFrom: fromAddress to: recipientList text: messageText.
> smtpClient quit.
> ] ensure: [smtpClient close]
> When I run this code, I get a 'TelnetProtocolError'.
> I even tried changing SMPTClient>>deliverMailFrom: by adding in the 'user:'
> and 'password:' methods, and then re-testing 'SMTPClient example'...
> deliverMailFrom: fromAddress to: recipientList text: messageText
> usingServer: serverName
>        | smtpClient |
>        smtpClient := self openOnHostNamed: serverName.
>        smtpClient user: 'login'.  "Added this and the next line with valid
> credentials"
>        smtpClient password: 'password'.
>        [smtpClient initiateSession.
>        smtpClient mailFrom: fromAddress to: recipientList text:
> messageText.
>        smtpClient quit]
>        ensure: [smtpClient close]
> but I get the same error.
> Just for kicks, and to prove my credentials are correct, I put together this
> script in Python, using the same credentials, and I get a successful email
> sent.
> import sys, smtplib, time
> mailserver = ''
> From = '[hidden email]'
> To = '[hidden email]'
> Subj = 'test message'
> date = time.ctime(time.time())
> text = ('From: %s\nTo: %s\nDate: %s\nSubject: %s\n\n' % (From, To, date,
> Subj))
> text = text + 'this is a one line message from python'
> print 'Connecting...'
> server = smtplib.SMTP(mailserver)
> server.login('login','password')
> server.sendmail(From, To, text)
> server.quit()
> So there is either a bug in the authentication aspect in Pharo or (more
> likely) I'm missing something.
> There are a very limited number of methods in then SMTPClient inheritance
> tree that can be used for this, and I've tried a bunch of combinations.
> Can anyone out there in Pharo-land test SMTPClient against a server that
> requires authentication? I'd really like to be able to send notifications
> via email. I've certainly put in my best effort to get it working.
> Thanks,
> Dan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email]
> [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Adrian
> Lienhard
> Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 15:46
> To: A friendly place where any question about pharo is welcome
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] SMTPClient issue
> Hi Dan,
> Authentication seems supported. You can send messages #user: and #password:
> to a SMTPClient instance. The methods are defined in the indirect superclass
> ProtocolClient.
> Something along the lines of
> smtpClient := SMPTClient openOnHostNamed: serverName.
> smtpClient user: 'login'; password: 'secret'.
> [       smtpClient initiateSession.
>        smtpClient mailFrom: fromAddress to: recipientList text:
> messageText.
>        smtpClient quit
> ] ensure: [smtpClient close]
> should work (not tested).
> HTH,
> Adrian
> BTW, when you manage to make it work and would like to help a bit, please
> write a short instruction that we can put into the class SMTPClient or the
> help system so that others have a faster start.
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 12:35 , Daniel Klein wrote:
>> Yes, my smtp server requires authentication, but I see nothing in Pharo
> that
>> allows me to enter a password like it does for
>> "POP3Client example".
>> Dan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [hidden email]
>> [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Adrian
>> Lienhard
>> Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 4:54
>> To: A friendly place where any question about pharo is welcome
>> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] SMTPClient issue
>> It works for me... I changed the from, to, and the smtp server.
>> What does the error say? Maybe your smpt server requires you to
>> authenticate?
>> Cheers,
>> Adrian
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 01:28 , Daniel Klein wrote:
>>> I can't seem to get:
>>> SMTPClient example
>>> to work.
>>> I changed the 'deliverMailFrom:', 'to:' and 'usingServer:' arguments to
>>> valid entries but I keep getting a 'TelnetProtocolError'.
>>> Could someone else please test this out cos I think it's broken. Please
>>> prove me wrong ;-)
>>> I'm using:
>>> Pharo-1.1.1--
>>> Latest update: #11414
>>> on Windows XP Pro SP3.
>>> Dan